How do I avoid supporting puppy farms? A puppy farm (also known as a puppy factory or puppy mill) is an intensive dog breeding facility operating under inadequate...
Why is production system labelling on food products important? The RSPCA believes that consumers benefit from the provision of full and accurate information about the welfare of the animals...
Is eating foie gras an animal welfare issue? Most foie gras (a type of duck/goose liver paté), especially that produced in France, comes from ducks or geese that...
How can I help wildlife during a heatwave? Provide water but not food Leave bowls of fresh, clean water out in shady locations. Shallow dishes are better for...
What is the illegal wildlife trade and why is it inhumane? The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar global industry estimated to involve billions of individual animals [1, 2]. Wild...
I have birds nesting on the outside of my house, what should I do? There are several species of birds that choose to build their nests around human habitation such as houses and sheds....
There’s a blue-tongue lizard in my backyard, what should I do? The first thing to do is, relax! Blue-tongue lizards are not poisonous and do not pose any threat to people...
There’s a snake in my backyard, what should I do? The most likely time for people to encounter snakes in their garden is spring when snakes are becoming more active....
How can I live happily with flying foxes? There are four types of flying foxes which are native to mainland Australia; black, grey-headed, little red and spectacled flying...
How can I live happily with the possums on my property? Brushtail and ringtail possums are both native marsupial species that have adapted well to urbanisation and are commonly found dwelling...
How do I contact the Minister for Agriculture to ask for improvements in animal welfare? Most farm animal welfare issues are the responsibility of State and Territory governments. If you are concerned about the way...
How can I help change farming practices to improve animal welfare? Some of the ways you can act to help improve livestock farming practices for better animal welfare: learning more about...
What is higher welfare food? Making higher welfare food choices leads to increased uptake of higher welfare farming practices along the supply chain. This in...
Where can I buy RSPCA Approved chicken, eggs, pork, turkey and salmon? RSPCA Approved chicken, eggs, pork, turkey and salmon come from animals raised to higher welfare standards as part of the...
How can I lobby government to improve animal welfare? Most animal welfare issues are the responsibility of State and Territory governments. If you are concerned about an animal welfare...
What can I do if I’m concerned about the treatment of animals in a film, television or theatrical performance? There are many instances where animals are used during the making of a film, a TV program, the theatre or...
Who do I contact to report an animal welfare issue with farm animals? RSPCA Inspectors employed by RSPCA ACT, RSPCA New South Wales, RSPCA South Australia, RSPCA Tasmania and RSPCA Western Australia have...
Who do I contact to report an animal welfare issue with domesticated horses? RSPCA Inspectors employed by RSPCA ACT, RSPCA New South Wales, RSPCA Victoria, RSPCA South Australia, RSPCA Tasmania, RSPCA Queensland and...
Should I be feeding wildlife affected by bushfires? Under normal circumstances, it is not recommended to feed wildlife as this can make them sick, get them too used...