How are animals killed for food? The process of killing an animal for the purpose of producing meat and meat products is referred to as slaughter....
Are there animal welfare advantages to on-farm mobile slaughtering units or micro-abattoirs? The concept of a mobile slaughtering unit arose from the need to slaughter animals on farm for personal consumption. A...
What happens with male chicks in the egg industry? In the egg industry, the sex of day-old chicks is determined at the hatchery. Sexing chicks (determining whether they are...
How are farmed Atlantic salmon killed? There are two main methods of catching Atlantic salmon for slaughter. Fish can be removed from their marine pens through...
How can farmed fish be slaughtered humanely? Just as with other farmed vertebrates such as cattle, sheep and poultry, the humane slaughter of fish requires that fish...
What should be done when a whale is stranded? Often when a whale is found stranded on a beach, the first reaction of humans is to help return the...
What are the animal welfare issues associated with different stunning methods for pigs at slaughter? In Australia, it is legally required that pigs are stunned prior to slaughter. The purpose of stunning is to ensure...
Is home slaughter of farm animals humane? RSPCA Australia is opposed to the sale at (street) markets and saleyards of individual farm animals destined for home slaughter...
What does the term humane killing or humane slaughter mean? Dictionary meanings of humane include: ‘kind, benevolent behaviour’ and ‘compassion for the suffering or distressed’ when applied to people and...
How is animal welfare regulated at Australian abattoirs and poultry processors? An abattoir is a facility that slaughters animals to produce meat and meat products for human consumption. A poultry processor...
Will the welfare of farm animals improve with the use of CCTV? Closed circuit television (CCTV) and similar technologies can be excellent additional animal welfare monitoring tools at facilities where large numbers...
How can fish caught in commercial fishing be killed humanely? The humane killing or slaughter of commercially caught fish requires that fish are carefully handled and effectively stunned (causing immediate...
What is the most humane way to kill a fish intended for eating? All fish that are caught for eating must be handled carefully to reduce stress and humanely killed as soon as...
Can turtles and dugongs be killed humanely using traditional hunting methods? The most humane methods for killing animals cause immediate unconsciousness without pain or suffering, followed by death without consciousness being...
What is the most humane way to kill crustaceans for human consumption? Crustaceans show responses consistent with signs of pain and distress [1–5]. They also have the cognitive capacity to remember and...
What is low atmospheric pressure stunning (LAPS)? Low Atmospheric Pressure Stunning (LAPS) is a form of stunning (inducing unconsciousness prior to slaughter) which may offer significant welfare...
What is the most humane way to kill a cane toad? Cane toads are a highly invasive species and are regarded as a major environmental pest in Australia. While there is...
What is the most humane way to kill pest rats and mice? There are a range of different poisons and traps used in Australia for controlling rats and mice. The RSPCA is...
What is the difference between head shooting and chest shooting? If the correct firearm and ammunition are used, a well-placed head shot (with the brain as the point of aim)...
How do recreational hunters kill deer and is it humane? Hunting poses many welfare risks including injury, pain and distress, especially for a species like deer as they are highly...