Do laws protect animals used in rodeos? There is increasing public concern regarding the welfare of horses and cattle used in rodeos due to the potential risks...
What is the RSPCA’s view on the use of animals in circuses? The RSPCA is opposed to the use of animals for any kind of entertainment, exhibition or performance where injury, pain...
What are the animal welfare issues with rodeos? A rodeo is a form of entertainment or sport where horses and cattle are used to demonstrate what the organisers say are...
What is calf scruffing and is it humane? Calf scruffing is a new competitive event introduced at some agricultural shows that poses risks of injury and distress to...
What is the RSPCA’s view on the use of live animals as prizes? Sometimes live animals are given as prizes in raffles, competitions or other fundraising events. Examples include ponies or dogs in...
What is the RSPCA’s view on novelty animal races for fundraising or entertainment? Novelty animal races are occasionally used by sporting and other clubs as a way to provide entertainment and raise funds....
What is the RSPCA’s view on petting zoos and other types of animal encounters? There are many examples of situations where humans, especially children come into close “hands-on” contact with animals such as petting...
What can I do if I’m concerned about the treatment of animals in a film, television or theatrical performance? There are many instances where animals are used during the making of a film, a TV program, the theatre or...
What is the RSPCA’s view on performing animals? There are many instances where animals form part of a performance, such as in circuses, bird of prey shows, horse...
What are the animal welfare issues associated with bull riding? As with other rodeo events, the RSPCA is opposed to bull riding because of the potential for significant injury, suffering...
What are the welfare risks of animal tourist attractions and selfies with animals? There are many overseas animal encounters promoted as ‘must do’ or ‘must see’ for tourists, such as circuses, elephant riding,...
What are the animal welfare issues with calf roping in rodeos? Although all rodeo events pose significant risks, calf roping (also known as rope-and-tie) raises particularly serious concerns. Calf roping involves...
What is the RSPCA’s view on breeding dolphins in captivity? Most dolphins born in captivity now are likely to live for at least 40 years in an environment where their...