• How many animals are used in research in Australia?

    Unlike some other countries, Australia does not publish the number of animals used in research, testing and teaching each year and so this makes it very difficult to identify reductions or trends in the number of animals used. It is essential that a national agency oversee the collection, collation and…

  • Is fertility control a humane option for managing peri-urban kangaroos?

    Fertility control is one option for managing kangaroo populations where conflicts may exist with human activity, for example peri-urban areas (areas adjacent to towns and cities). Kangaroos living in proximity to human development are at risk of injury from motor vehicles, negative interactions involving humans and property, and they may…

  • Is translocation a humane option for managing peri-urban kangaroos?

    Peri-urban kangaroos are those who inhabit areas directly surrounding established metropolitan, urban, or regional centres. The welfare issues relating to the management of peri-urban kangaroos are complex and challenging, as they involve balancing prevention of harm to kangaroos whilst solving human-animal conflict situations. Studies have shown that significant animal welfare…

  • What are some of the painful procedures experienced by pigs on farm?

    RSPCA defines a painful farm animal husbandry procedure as any action that alters or removes a specific body part of a farm animal and causes pain, suffering or distress. Any procedure that results in tissue injury should be assumed to cause pain, and therefore must be approached accordingly. RSPCA acknowledges…

  • What are some of the painful procedures experienced by cattle on farm?

    RSPCA defines a painful farm animal husbandry procedure as any action that alters or removes a specific body part of a farm animal and causes pain, suffering or distress. Any procedure that results in tissue injury should be assumed to cause pain, and therefore must be approached accordingly. RSPCA acknowledges…

  • What are some of the painful procedures experienced by sheep on farm?

    Currently, painful husbandry procedures are routinely carried out in many sheep farming systems. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue damage [1]. Any husbandry procedure that results in damage to living tissue should be assumed to cause pain and approached accordingly. Thus, all sheep farmers should…

  • Do octopi and lobsters feel pain?

    Based on the available scientific data, there is evidence that both octopi and lobsters, do exhibit signs of ‘discomfort’ or ‘pain’ in response to noxious, or painful, stimuli. Octopi and lobsters are two types of marine animals (cephalopods and crustaceans respectively) and are part of a larger group of animals…

  • How can pain be recognised and monitored in cats?

    Due to the unique nature of and often subtle changes in feline body language, recognising pain in cats can be a challenge for their owners. Being able to identify changes in behaviour is essential in determining if a cat is in pain and, if so, ensuring that they receive timely…

  • What type of cat collar should I use?

    To balance your cat’s safety with providing easy identification, a collar with a breakaway clip and ID tag is recommended. This type of collar will snap open if snagged on an object, lowering the risk of your cat getting stuck or injured due to the collar. Collar considerations The main…

  • Should I feed bones to my dog?

    Bones can provide dogs with nutrients and mental stimulation, plus remove tartar from the surface of their teeth. However, bones can break teeth, cause internal blockages, as well as carry bacteria that can make both animals and humans ill. It is important to consider these factors so you can make…