• What are the welfare issues with managing peri-urban kangaroos?

    Peri-urban kangaroos are those who inhabit areas directly surrounding established metropolitan, urban, or regional centres. The welfare issues surrounding management of peri-urban kangaroos are complex and challenging, as they involve balancing prevention of harm to kangaroos whilst solving human-animal conflict situations. Why do peri-urban kangaroos need to be managed? Populations…

  • What are my legal rights if I buy a sick or injured pet?

    Adopting or purchasing a new pet is a very exciting time for both owner and pet alike as it marks the beginning of a lifelong relationship. It can therefore be very distressing if a new pet soon becomes sick or appears injured. Sellers and breeders of pets have obligations under…

  • What are the animal welfare issues with pullet training and rearing?

    Pullets are young layer hens before they have reached sexual maturity and start laying eggs. At one day of age, female chicks are transferred to rearing systems until they are around 16 weeks of age, when they are then transferred to layer hen housing for the remainder of their productive…

  • Is sodium nitrite a more humane toxin than 1080 for feral pig control?

    For emergency advice on poisoning please go straight to this article: What should I do if suspect my pet has eaten a poison bait? RSPCA Australia has campaigned strongly for research into alternatives to 1080 poison for the control of pest animals. It is important that 1080 is replaced with…

  • What are the animal welfare issues with poultry slaughter?

    Meat chickens and layer hens, the main types of poultry farmed in Australia, are two different breeds of birds and are grown for different purposes. Meat chickens are raised for meat production so have been bred to grow and gain weight very rapidly. Depending on the weight requirements of the…

  • What is Kosher and Halal slaughter in Australia?

    What is Kosher slaughter? Kosher food laws are based on interpretation of the Bible and the Torah, the Judaic scriptures, and set out a range of beverages and foods (including meat) that are acceptable for people of the Jewish faith. For meat to be Kosher, animals must be slaughtered in…

  • How do I keep myself and my dog safe around other dogs and people?

    When you are out and about with your dog, or even just on your own, sometimes a situation arises where a dog may approach you in an unfriendly or threatening way. This can be scary and potentially dangerous. Many reported dog bites have occurred at home and involve children. This…