What is animal sentience and why is it important? Animal sentience is the capacity of an animal to experience different feelings such as suffering or pleasure. Negative feelings or...
What is the Australian legislation governing animal welfare? There are no national laws applying to animal welfare, but all states and territories regulate animal welfare in their jurisdiction....
Should Australia have a national body to oversee animal welfare? Given that animals play an important role in the lives of all Australians, the RSPCA strongly believes that we need...
How are national farm animal welfare standards developed? Animal welfare laws in Australia are governed at the state and territory level and every jurisdiction has its own animal...
How can I lobby government to improve animal welfare? Most animal welfare issues are the responsibility of State and Territory governments. If you are concerned about an animal welfare...
How can climate change affect animal welfare? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that there is scientific consensus that climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions from human activities...
At what stage of development do animals become sentient? Animal sentience is the capacity of an animal to experience different feelings such as suffering or pleasure. The onset of...
What is good animal welfare? How do you feel today? As humans, our welfare at any point in time is affected by many different things,...
What are the Five Freedoms of animal welfare? The Five Freedoms was the first widely accepted evidence-based framework to capture the key aspects of animal welfare in one...
What are the Five Domains of Animal Welfare? In 1994, Professor David Mellor and Dr Cam Reid proposed a new model to think about animal welfare and its...
What is ‘One Welfare’? ‘One Welfare’ is the concept that animal welfare depends on and influences human welfare and environmental sustainability [1]. This...
Do octopi and lobsters feel pain? Based on the available scientific data, there is evidence that both octopi and lobsters, do exhibit signs of ‘discomfort’ or...