What are the benefits of companion animals to human health? Interacting with companion animals (including dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, horses, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians) can have a range of...
Why is it important to ensure my pet is microchipped? Microchip identification is recommended for all companion animals where it is feasible and appropriate for the species. If your pet...
Can I have a pet while renting or living in a strata property? The information presented here is not intended to be relied on for legal advice and you should seek advice from...
How should I introduce my new dog or puppy to my existing cat? Introducing a new canine member to the family is a special and exciting time, but it can be a little...
What should I feed my rabbits? Rabbits are herbivores (they eat plant material). In the wild, they eat predominantly grass, grazing for up to 6-8 hours...
Do I need to trim my rabbit’s nails? Rabbits’ nails should be trimmed as required with cat/rabbit nail trimmers, if they are growing too long. Keeping nails at...
Is desexing mandatory for cats and dogs? Note: Desexing is the term generally used in Australia to refer to any kind of surgical sterilisation that permanently renders...
How can I toilet train my puppy/dog? House training (toilet training) a puppy or a dog takes time and patience and, just as with children, every puppy...
What garden dangers must I protect my pet from? Some of the most common garden dangers that pets need to be protected from include: Rat or mouse bait (rodent...
What are common household dangers for pets? Many common household items such as food, plants and medicines can be toxic to our companion animals (pets) and can...
Should I have my pet desexed? Note: Desexing is the term generally used in Australia to refer to surgical sterilisation that permanently renders an animal incapable...
What should I feed my dog? Domesticated dogs are largely carnivores but will also eat plant-based foods. Wild dogs eat a variety of food which comprise...
What should I feed my puppy? Puppies are largely carnivores but will also eat some plant-based foods. Puppies naturally wean off their mother’s milk at around...
Who do I contact if I need to change my contact details with my pet’s microchip registry database? Microchipping your pet is very important. A microchip is a permanent method of electronic identification. The chip itself is very...
What can breeders do to avoid exaggerated physical features that compromise dog welfare? Every breeder has an important responsibility to ensure their dogs are able to live a healthy, happy and long life....
How old should a child be before they are allowed to take care of a pet? This question is not easily answered because it depends on the child. Some teenagers are not aware of the responsibilities...
What should I feed my cat? Cats are obligate or true carnivores, which means they are dependent on the nutrients provided by a diet based on...
How do I encourage my cat to use a litter tray? Most cats can learn how to use a litter tray from an early age and often do this on their...
How should I house my bird? Birds are highly intelligent animals who require regular exercise and mental stimulation. It’s important to ensure these needs will be...
How do I stop my companion animal from getting fleas? Fleas are external parasites. The most common type of flea that affects companion animals is the cat flea. These fleas...