Can the risk of free-range poultry contracting bird flu be managed? Avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease of birds worldwide. Avian influenza is classified as...
What are the animal welfare issues with feedlots for cattle? Feedlots are yarded areas where cattle, after having been raised on pasture, are held in groups in close confinement while...
Why can’t the RSPCA prosecute farmers for keeping animals in intensive systems? Intensive farming methods involve removing animals from their natural environments and keeping them housed or confined for all, or a...
What are the animal welfare challenges associated with meat chicken production? Chickens grown for meat production are genetically very different from layer hens bred to produce eggs. Meat chickens have been...
Is intensive aquaculture similar to intensive land-based livestock production? In 2018, fifty two percent of global fish production for human consumption was aquaculture-based fishery [1]. With reduced abundance of...
What are Ag-gag laws and how would they affect transparency and trust in animal production? An “Ag-gag” law is the name given to legislation designed to curb the rise in animal activist monitoring and investigative...
How are meat chickens farmed in Australia? Chickens are sociable, quirky and inquisitive creatures. Descended from jungle fowl, they still possess instincts strongly aligned with seeking shelter...
How are layer hens farmed in Australia? Hens are smart, quirky and inquisitive creatures. Descended from jungle fowl, they still possess instincts strongly aligned with seeking shelter...
How are turkeys farmed in Australia? Turkeys are sociable, curious, and quirky creatures. Domesticated turkeys today are descended from several turkey subspecies originating from Mexico. A...
How are salmon farmed in Australia? Current scientific evidence demonstrates that fish are sentient animals, capable of experiencing pain and suffering. Salmon have a natural lifespan...
What is ‘One Health’? ‘One Health’ is the concept that animal health and human health are interdependent and bound to the health of the...
What are the animal welfare issues with feedlots for sheep? Welfare issues for sheep in feedlots, particularly where sheep are housed indoors in sheds, include social stress, limited space allowance...
What are the animal welfare issues with poultry slaughter? Meat chickens and layer hens, the main types of poultry farmed in Australia, are two different breeds of birds and...
What is the RSPCA’s view on crocodile farming? The way in which crocodiles are farmed for skins and meat results in a number of welfare concerns including confinement,...
What are the animal welfare issues with mating stalls for pigs? A mating stall is a crate used to hold a female pig for artificial insemination. In a mating stall, a...
What are the animal welfare issues with farrowing crates for sows? In Australia, most pigs are housed in intensive indoor systems. In these intensive systems, pigs may be confined and raised...
What are the animal welfare issues with sow stalls? In Australia, most pigs are housed in intensive indoor systems. In these intensive systems, pigs may be confined and raised...