• What are the Five Freedoms of animal welfare?

    The Five Freedoms was the first widely accepted evidence-based framework to capture the key aspects of animal welfare in one model. In 1993, the RSPCA adopted the Five Freedoms as part of RSPCA Australia policy and they have played a crucial role in consideration of animal welfare, particularly in terms…

  • What is good animal welfare?

    How do you feel today? As humans, our welfare at any point in time is affected by many different things, including our health (do you have a cold? do you have any aches or pains?), our social life (are you lonely?), work (is it stressful?), sleeping patterns, living arrangements and…

  • How should I take care of my cat or dog’s teeth?

    Our pets need regular and consistent dental care to make sure their teeth stay healthy and functional for as long as possible, and to prevent dental plaque and tartar/ build up and dental and periodontal disease. Dental plaque is a soft but sticky deposit of bacteria from saliva, food and…

  • How are horses affected by fatigue in jumps racing?

    Fatigue, falls and collisions are negative experiences which may cause mental distress in jumps racing horses as well as physical injuries which are also likely to cause pain. The RSPCA is opposed to jumps races (steeplechasing and hurdling) because of the high probability of a horse suffering serious injury or…

  • How can I keep my cat safe and happy at home?

    Whether you’ve just adopted a new cat or kitten, or are considering how best to care for your existing cat, the RSPCA Australia guide to keeping your cat safe and happy at home can help. We know that cats can be safe and happy at home, avoiding the dangers of…

  • Is mange in wombats a serious welfare issue?

    Mange is a parasitic skin infestation which, if left untreated, can cause crusting, bleeding and intense irritation. In wombats and other animals, including humans, it is caused by sarcoptes mites, which are microscopic insects that burrow into the skin. Severely affected animals have difficulty walking and eating, and lose a…

  • What is Leptospirosis?

    Leptospirosis is a disease which can affect animals and humans, caused by infection with bacteria called Leptospira. Leptospirosis can cause kidney failure and liver failure, and occasionally severe lung disease and bleeding disorders in animals. The clinical signs of leptospirosis vary considerably from no signs of infection, to just a…

  • What are the risks to my cat or dog from rat bait?

    Rat baits are dangerous and potentially deadly to animals and people that consume them. The baits used are normally flavoured to make them attractive to rodents and these can also entice other animals to eat them. Dogs and cats who ingest rat baits may die. Even children have sometimes been poisoned…

  • How do I introduce a new dog or puppy to children?

    It is important that you manage the introduction to your family carefully and that children are directly supervised at all times with the dog or puppy. Introducing a new canine member to the family is a special and exciting time but can be a little overwhelming for all concerned. However,…

  • Are pronged collars harmful to my dog?

    Pronged collars (also known as a pinch or constriction collar) are illegal to import into Australia but are only illegal to use on dogs in Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland. The RSPCA is opposed to the import, sale, or use of equipment used to modify the behaviour of a companion animal…