Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for sheep? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers...
Why is production system labelling on food products important? The RSPCA believes that consumers benefit from the provision of full and accurate information about the welfare of the animals...
Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for beef cattle? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers...
Do eggs from free-range systems pose a food safety risk? In barn and free-range egg production systems, hens have access to a nest in which to lay their eggs. This...
What is the donkey skin trade and why is it inhumane? The donkey skin trade has rapidly expanded over the last few years due to a huge demand for a traditional...
Is the term ‘free range’ on a product label enough to guarantee good animal welfare? (the free-range egg example) Consumer awareness of and demand for higher welfare food is growing and consumers need to be able to make an...
Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for dairy calves raised for veal or beef? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers...
Is eating foie gras an animal welfare issue? Most foie gras (a type of duck/goose liver paté), especially that produced in France, comes from ducks or geese that...
What is the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme’s...
Is the practice of boiling pre-hatched duck embryos in their shell humane? The practice of boiling a fertilised duck embryo in the egg shell and then eating it from the shell has...
Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for farmed fish? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers...
What are barn-laid eggs? Barn-laid eggs are a good alternative to cage eggs, and a well-managed barn that provides enrichment for the hen can...
Does the RSPCA promote veganism or vegetarianism? When some people become aware of the realities of large-scale animal farming, they choose to become vegetarian or vegan. The...
Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for salmon? The RSPCA Standard for farmed Atlantic salmon focusses on ensuring good farming practices, fish handling, husbandry and management. For good...
Do the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme standards for salmon address potential environmental impacts? Compliance with regulatory requirements in relation to environmental impact management and monitoring is a prerequisite of all producers wishing to...
Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for dairy production? The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers...
How do RSPCA Approved salmon farms protect fish from predators, such as seals? In Tasmania, farmed Atlantic salmon may be vulnerable to attack by seals and sea birds. Maintaining good fish welfare by...
What is shark finning and is it legal in Australia? Shark fin soup has been a traditional east Asian dish, symbolic of wealth and prestige, for several hundred years. In...
Are squid and octopi protected by animal welfare legislation? Cephalopods are a group of invertebrate animals, which include octopi, squid, cuttlefish and nautili. The protection of cephalopods under animal...
What can be done to improve the welfare of fish and shellfish in restaurant aquaria? RSPCA Australia considers that the available scientific evidence demonstrates that fish are sentient animals capable of experiencing pain and suffering....