• Can dogs be safely confined by tethering?

    Where dogs need to be confined outdoors, the best way to do this is in a suitable yard or enclosure. Where these options are not available, some people choose to tether their dogs. Due to the risks of tethering, it should be avoided as a means of long-term confinement. Where…

  • Do flying foxes pose a disease risk to my dog?

    There are two viral diseases affecting bats that can also infect dogs. These are Hendra virus and Lyssavirus. There have been no cases in Australia, where dogs have been clinically ill from either of these viruses. People are reminded not to handle bats and flying foxes in Australia due to…

  • How old should a child be before they are allowed to take care of a pet?

    This question is not easily answered because it depends on the child. Some teenagers are not aware of the responsibilities of pet ownership, while there are many very responsible 7, 8 or 9 year olds who understand the commitments required. You will have to make your own assessment as to…

  • How can I reduce the health risks for children interacting with companion animals?

    Interacting with companion animals can have many physical and mental health benefits for children and young people[1, 2]. However, there are also potential risks to consider, such as accidents, allergies, and disease. Accidents To reduce the risk of accidents or incidents (e.g., bites, scratches), ensure that your companion animals are…

  • What should I feed my puppy?

    Puppies are largely carnivores but will also eat some plant-based foods. Puppies naturally wean off their mother’s milk at around 8-12 weeks of age. Wild dogs feed their young with prey animal carcases. In the wild, when young dogs are old enough (around 7-8 weeks old) they start to eat…

  • Why is chocolate toxic to dogs and other animals?

    Chocolate contains cocoa, and cocoa contains the compound theobromine. Theobromine is toxic to dogs and other animals at certain doses. Chocolate poisoning is a problem that occurs mainly in dogs but also occurs occasionally in cats or other animals. It is important not to give your animals any chocolate and…

  • What should I feed my kitten?

    Kittens are essentially baby carnivores with specialised needs. Kittens naturally wean off their mother’s milk at around 8-12 weeks of age. When young cats are old enough (around 8 weeks old) they start to eat food on their own whilst simultaneously decreasing the amount of milk they suckle from their…

  • What should I feed my cat?

    Cats are obligate or true carnivores, which means they are dependent on the nutrients provided by a diet based on consuming prey animals. This means they cannot be healthy or survive without the specific nutritional components in such a diet. In the wild, cats eat the carcases of the prey…

  • How many pets are there in Australia?

    There are currently an estimated 28.7 million pets in Australia and we have one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world [1]. Approximately 69% of households in Australia own pets, with dogs being the most common (48%), followed by cats (33%) [1]. What are the characteristics of Australian…