• What should I feed my mice?

    Wild mice are omnivorous, often eating grasses, seeds, grain, and occasionally invertebrates. Fortunately for the owners of pet mice, the nutritional requirements of mice are well established from work done in mice kept in laboratories (the same species as those we keep as companions). This means that there are formulated…

  • Where should I keep my mice?

    Location Where you place the enclosure for your pet mice is just as important as the type of enclosure and its accessories. So, where can you place the enclosure? A good option is on a table in a room that is not too busy or noisy but that you use…

  • What should I feed my donkey?

    Donkeys have evolved over thousands of years to live in semi-arid environments where the nutritional quality of the food available is very poor. They have adapted to eat fibrous plant material in small quantities throughout the day. This is known as trickle feeding and helps to keep the donkey’s digestive…

  • What should I know before taking my dog to an ‘off-leash’ park?

    Off-leash dog parks offer many physical and mental benefits for dogs and people including the opportunity to exercise, socialise, and enjoy fresh air, training, and play. Are off-leash dog parks suitable for all dogs? When you take your dog to an off-leash park, you need to be confident that they…

  • Where can I find out about plants that might be poisonous for my pets?

    A number of plants are poisonous to pets. These can cause serious illness and even death in some cases. It’s important to check the safety of any plants before your pets have access to them. If you’re unsure about the safety of a particular plant, talk to your veterinarian for…

  • Why should pet owners avoid using cocoa shell mulch on their gardens?

    Cocoa Mulch is also known as ‘Cocoa Bean Mulch’ or ‘Cocoa Shell Mulch’ and is used as a mulch in home gardens in some countries. It is a byproduct of the manufacture of cocoa powder and other chocolate products. There have been several reports of pets being poisoned by cocoa…

  • Are there laws that require companion animal breeders to meet certain standards of care?

    Laws relating to the welfare of animals vary in different states. In some states, companion animal breeders have to be registered, which may also require meeting certain standards of care but in other states, breeder registration and/or standards may not exist (see Table below). Specific requirements are often contained within associated…

  • What is a ‘registered breeder’?

    The term ‘registered breeder’ generally means one of the following: 1. Registration with a breed club or association Dog and cat breeders are often referred to as ‘registered breeders’ when they are members of a breed association or club (which operates a stud book or register) or another breeder association….

  • What is a backyard breeder?

    Backyard breeding is the irresponsible breeding of animals in inadequate conditions with insufficient care, often by people with little experience or knowledge. When irresponsible breeding is carried out on a large scale, the term puppy or kitten farming is used. Why is backyard breeding a problem? Backyard breeders, as distinct…

  • Can I keep a frog as a companion animal?

    RSPCA believes that wild animals, even if they are captive-bred, should not be kept as pets unless there is clear evidence that they will have a good quality of life, their needs can be met, accurate care information is available, a suitably experienced veterinarian is utilised as needed, and the…