• Why do whales strand?

    It is often very difficult to determine the cause of a whale stranding, however, there are several plausible explanations for at least some of the whale strandings that occur: Faulty navigation: many of the whales that are found stranded normally live in the open ocean and are not experienced at…

  • What should be done when a whale is stranded?

    Often when a whale is found stranded on a beach, the first reaction of humans is to help return the whale to the sea. But returning a stranded whale back to the sea is not always the most humane course of action given that the whale may be injured or…

  • What happens to joeys when female kangaroos are shot?

    Much of the public concern about the shooting of kangaroos stems from the killing of females and the resultant death of their joeys. The Australian National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Commercial Purposes (2020) and Australian National Code of Practice for the Humane…

  • Is there a need to kill kangaroos or wallabies?

    Due to a range of factors, including traditional farming practices, provision of man-made water sources, and land disturbance, kangaroo populations can reach very high densities in many areas of Australia. It is unlikely that major changes to the way in which we farm or manage our land will occur in the short-term,…

  • What is the difference between non-commercial and commercial kangaroo shooting?

    All kangaroo shooters are required to abide by either the Australian National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Commercial Purposes (2020) or the Australian National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-Commercial Purposes (2008). The key differences between…

  • What are the risks to wildlife associated with barrier and cluster fencing?

    Exclusion fencing has been used in various contexts in Australia to prevent predation and environmental damage by pest animal species for over a century. Predation by wild dogs and dingoes has a devastating impact on sheep and cattle, particularly young animals who suffer significantly from being chased and mauled. Many…

  • Who should I contact about injured wildlife?

    If you find a sick or injured wild animal, contact your nearest veterinarian or wildlife carer organisation as soon as possible so that it may receive appropriate treatment.  Wild animals become stressed by handling, so you should seek expert advice before handling an injured animal. Try to minimise the amount…

  • I’ve found an injured or abandoned bird, what should I do?

    First you need to check that the bird really is injured or abandoned. In the nesting season, birds that have recently fledged (left the nest) are sometimes found on the ground while their parent(s) are nearby feeding. The bird might look abandoned, but often it isn’t. If the baby is…

  • How can you measure the humaneness of a pest animal control method?

    In Australia, many different methods are used to control or kill animals classed as pests. These methods include chemicals and toxins for poisoning animals, biological control, physical methods such as traps to capture animals, shooting, and non-lethal methods such as exclusion fencing and fertility control. These methods vary greatly in…