• RSPCA Policy A7 Companion animal management

    (adopted 08/04/2024) [5] Sterilisation includes all procedures and techniques that render the animal unable to produce offspring. Surgical sterilisation includes desexing (castration and spaying – ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy) and gonad sparing sterilisation options (e.g. vasectomy). Non-surgical sterilisation may include options such as chemical castration or other emerging options such as…

  • RSPCA Policy A8 Housing and environmental needs of companion animals

    (adopted 08/04/2024) [9] Tethering means using a lead (rope, wire, or chain), one end of which is attached to the animal or a restraint device on the animal and the other to a fixture in the animal’s environment to prevent/limit movement and confine the animal to a desired area.

  • RSPCA Policy B1 Farm animals – general principles

    See also RSPCA policy H2 Standards codes of practice and guidelines RSPCA position paper GP1 Animal welfare legislation RSPCA position paper GP2 Development of animal welfare standards (Reviewed 28/03/2018)

  • RSPCA Policy B3 Environment and housing

    * This is not an exhaustive list and for species and/or housing systems not specifically listed, B1 Farm animals – general principles as well as any other relevant farm animal policies apply. (Reviewed 28/03/2018)

  • Do the rules of the World Trade Organisation affect our animal welfare laws?

    International trade has increased exponentially since the 1950s, including Australia’s imports and exports of animals and animal-derived products. The World Trade Organisation (the WTO) is responsible for overseeing the conduct of international trade, the development of international trade agreements, and the resolution of trade disputes. 153 countries are members of…

  • How can our animal welfare laws be improved?

    Animal welfare laws in Australia are governed at the state and territory level.  As such, there are eight separate animal welfare statutes, all of which seek to prohibit animal cruelty and promote animal welfare within their respective jurisdictions.  While the fundamental objectives of the different state and territory laws are…

  • What laws are necessary to stop puppy farming?

    Puppy farming is considered to be a major animal welfare issue in Australia.  The RSPCA has dedicated considerable time and resources to investigating and developing strategies, in conjunction with key stakeholders, for how this practice may be brought to an end. Animal management and animal welfare laws must be amended…