• What is an RSPCA policy statement?

    An RSPCA Australia policy statement is a straightforward statement or declaration of RSPCA policy on a particular animal welfare matter governance or operational topic or subject. Policy statements are usually short and concise and include a clear description and a brief rationale of the basis for the policy for example:…

  • How are RSPCA policies and position papers adopted?

    Policy statements are adopted, or later amended, on the unanimous vote of the RSPCA Australia member Societies, and following the recommendation of the Animal Welfare Policy Review Committee (AWPRC) and the RSPCA Australia Board. Compliance with policy statements is binding on all member Societies. Position papers are adopted, or later…

  • What is an RSPCA research report?

    An RSPCA Australia research report uses scientific evidence to examine a specific emerging animal welfare issue in depth. It is similar in structure to a literature review in a scientific journal, fully referenced, but may not be as comprehensive. Research reports provide an analysis, summary and conclusions based on the available…

  • What is an RSPCA discussion paper?

    An RSPCA Australia discussion paper is a document which attempts to examine current opinion and evidence on a specific animal welfare issue. A discussion paper may reflect differing perspectives, but should provide balanced information on a particular topic. It may include recommendations on what position the RSPCA should take (and may…

  • What is an RSPCA information sheet?

    RSPCA Australia information/fact sheets are documents or short articles that provide plain English advice on a specific animal welfare issue based on RSPCA policy. The target audience is the general public and the access point is usually through the RSPCA Australia Knowledgebase. References, suggestions for further reading or links to other…

  • Why does the RSPCA oppose the export of racing greyhounds?

    RSPCA Australia opposes the export of Australian racing greyhounds because it puts them at significant risk of poor animal welfare outcomes. The risks include stress and injuries associated with long-distance transport, lack of animal welfare legal protection in importing countries, and the potential to enter the dog meat trade. The…