• Why is access to water important for the welfare of farmed ducks?

    Ducks are waterfowl and therefore adapted to spend a large extent of their life in the water. When ducks are provided access to water they use it to perform a variety of highly motivated water-related bathing behaviours such as sieving, dabbling, preening and head dipping. A water-related behaviour like preening…

  • What are the animal welfare (and environmental) issues with the production of palm oil?

    Palm oil is a cheap, versatile and very popular vegetable oil. However, its large-scale production has caused a devastating impact on wildlife and the environment. Adoption of sustainable production practices is urgently required as is mandatory labelling of products containing palm oil so that consumers can make informed purchasing decisions….

  • Can enclosed yabby traps harm animals and are they legal to use?

    Despite bans and restrictions being placed on the opera house net trap in different states and territories, they continue to be used. These traps are very popular for catching freshwater crayfish but have caused the drowning of other animals, including platypus and other aquatic species. Based on the significant risk…

  • How are salmon farmed in Australia?

    Current scientific evidence demonstrates that fish are sentient animals, capable of experiencing pain and suffering. Salmon have a natural lifespan of between 3 to 8 years. Born in freshwater and living their adult lives at sea, but then returning to their freshwater birthplace to spawn. In commercial salmon production fish…

  • How are turkeys farmed in Australia?

    Turkeys are sociable, curious, and quirky creatures. Domesticated turkeys today are descended from several turkey subspecies originating from Mexico. A turkey’s natural lifespan can be up to 10 years, however in commercial turkey meat production they will be slaughtered at 10-18 weeks. Breeding Breeding turkeys There are two breeds available…

  • How are layer hens farmed in Australia?

    Hens are smart, quirky and inquisitive creatures. Descended from jungle fowl, they still possess instincts strongly aligned with seeking shelter in vegetation and roosting up high at night to keep away from predators. A hen’s natural lifespan can be up to 10 years, however in commercial egg production a hen…

  • What are the animal welfare issues with calf roping in rodeos?

    Although all rodeo events pose significant risks, calf roping (also known as rope-and-tie) raises particularly serious concerns. Calf roping involves releasing the young animal ahead of the competitor/roper who is on horseback. The rider will chase and lasso the calf by throwing a rope over the calf’s neck. The contestant…

  • What is Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)?

    Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) is a breed-related disorder that means affected animals cannot breathe normally and this significantly compromises their welfare. Animals affected by brachycephaly (having a flat face) include dog breeds such as the French Bulldog, Pug, Boston Terrier, Boxer, British Bulldog, and Shih-tzu [1] and cats such…

  • What should I consider if I need to evacuate my animal in a natural disaster?

    During a natural disaster such as a bushfire, extreme weather (storms, floods, heatwaves) or earthquake, it may be necessary to evacuate from your home. It is important to have an emergency plan in place which includes your animals. What should I do to prepare for an emergency? Sign up for…

  • What are the animal welfare issues associated with imported pork?

    All fresh pork products sold in Australia are from pigs raised in Australia, whereas imported pork products are either ‘small goods’ such as processed pork (ham, bacon or salami) or pre-cooked pork (pulled pork). This is because Australia has conditions in place that require imported pork to be cooked for…