• How can I keep my mice safe from household hazards?

    Mice are generally best protected in their enclosure, as this limits their access to potential dangers and keeps them safe. However, even when they are in their enclosure, there are still potential dangers – the danger may come to them, or they might escape. When they have time out of…

  • What can I do to protect my companion animals from heatstroke?

    Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency. Seek veterinary attention immediately. Heatstroke involves potentially life-threatening elevations in body temperature (hyperthermia). Heatstroke is an emergency. It can lead to rapid multi-organ failure and death. The focus is often on dogs but other companion animals, and farm animals, are also vulnerable to heatstroke. Signs…

  • Is ear cropping of dogs legal in Australia?

    The RSPCA is opposed to ear cropping because it is painful, inhumane, and unnecessary. Ear cropping is illegal in all Australian states and territories. Ear cropping is a surgical procedure involving partial or full removal of the external ear flaps for cosmetic purposes. Breeders of certain dog breeds once routinely…

  • Why is water quality important when setting up a fish aquarium?

    The key to a beautiful aquarium with healthy fish is effective filtration and maintaining water quality. There are three types of filtration in aquariums: mechanical (using sponges to collect debris) chemical (to absorb specific toxins) biological (to break down fish waste) Of the three types of filtration, biological is the…

  • How should I care for my tropical fish?

    Tropical fish are very popular aquarium fish due to their colour and variety. They originate from many regions of the world. The following information will help to improve your fish longevity, health, and welfare. Purchasing healthy tropical fish When purchasing a Siamese fighting fish first check that the seller is…

  • How should I care for my Siamese fighting fish?

    Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) are a very popular aquarium fish. They originate from tropical regions of Southeast Asia and, today, there are a wide variety of Siamese fighting fish types and colours available. Purchasing a healthy Siamese fighting fish When purchasing a Siamese fighting fish first check that the seller…

  • How should I care for my goldfish?

    Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are the most popular of all aquarium fish and are known for their attractive bright colours. Goldfish originate from temperate climates and in the wild they live in cool streams, lakes, and ponds throughout Asia. Today, there are a wide variety of goldfish types available. Goldfish are…

  • What is the RSPCA’s view on camel tour rides?

    The way in which wild camels are used for riding tours can pose many welfare risks, including confinement which may prevent camels from expressing important natural behaviours. The RSPCA is particularly concerned about the capture of animals from the wild to be used in this way due to the risk…