• What company do my pet mice need?

    Mice need the company of other mice and usually coexist happily together as long as they have enough space, resources, and opportunities to engage in behaviours they find rewarding, especially chewing and hiding/burrowing. Here are some guidelines to help you create a harmonious group of mice (a ‘nest’ of mice):…

  • Are rats the right companion animals for me?

    Owning and caring for pet rats is great fun and very rewarding, but it’s also a big responsibility and commitment in terms of time, care, and finances. They are not low-maintenance pets, as some people may tell you. Some considerations before you take the step into pet rat ownership include:…

  • Can my rats get parasites?

    Rats are sometimes affected by infestations of external parasites such as fur mites. Clinical signs of infestation include bald patches, thinning of hair, excess scurf (small dry flakes) on the skin, and self-induced trauma as the affected rats scratch or chew themselves. Many of these parasites are too small to…

  • What are common health problems in rats?

    Dental disease Overgrown incisor teeth (particular the lower incisors) are the most common oral problem in rats as their incisors continuously grow. With only the incisors continuously growing in rats, dental disease affecting the cheek teeth is much less common than in some other rodents such as guinea pigs whose…

  • What company do my pet rats need?

    Rats need the company of other rats and usually coexist happily together as long as they have enough space, resources, and opportunities to engage in behaviours they find rewarding, especially chewing and hiding/burrowing. Here are some guidelines to help you create a harmonious group of rats (also called a ‘swarm’…

  • What does an unhealthy rat look like?

    You can learn the most about your rats through their behaviour, appearance, and body language. It’s important to continually observe for abrupt and subtle changes happening with your rats. Because they are a prey species, they will try and hide signs of illness – so when they look sick, they’re…

  • How can I keep my rats safe from household hazards?

    Rats are generally best protected in their enclosure, as this limits their access to potential dangers and keeps them safe. However, even when they are in their enclosure, there are still potential dangers – the danger may come to them, or they might escape. When they have time out of…

  • What do I need to know about reproduction in mice?

    Mice mature and can breed at a young age (even as young as four weeks of age), breed prolifically, and have large litter sizes. They will come into season every 4-5 days unless pregnant; their pregnancy duration is 19-21 days; their litter size is 7-11 pups; and they can be…

  • How should I groom my rats?

    Rats are very clean and usually do a great job of grooming themselves. Washing your rat Because of their cleanliness, rats rarely need a wash. The exceptions are elderly or arthritic pets who can’t wash themselves, or pets who have somehow gotten really dirty and can’t clean themselves. You must…