My cat is being aggressive towards my other cat, what should I do? Aggressive behaviour (a threat, challenge, or attack) may include scratching, biting, and visual (e.g., changes in posture, erect fur), vocal...
My puppy is chewing everything, what should I do? Chewing is a normal dog behaviour, and dogs should be provided with opportunities to chew things. However, chewing can be...
What is the RSPCA’s view on dominance dog training? In recent years there has been resurgence in popularity of dog training methods that espouse “dominance” models of dog behaviour....
How should I care for my pets during fireworks displays? Across Australia, there are many celebrations that may involve fireworks. Unfortunately, many animals are terrified by firework displays, and these...
How can I stop my dog jumping the fence and running away? If your dog is jumping the fence and running away, the first step is to work out why. When you...
My dog is digging up the garden, what should I do? Digging is a normal dog behaviour. A dog who digs is not being disobedient. Dogs may dig to help them...
What can I do if my dog is anxious when I’m not at home? Dogs are highly social animals who generally prefer to live in groups. Many dogs can become anxious when separated from...
Why does my cat scratch the furniture? Cats naturally perform scratching behaviour for a variety of reasons, such as to maintain their claws, mark territory (cats deposit...
How do I stop a neighbour’s cat from entering and toileting in my yard? RSPCA Australia encourages owners to contain of cats within their property boundaries to help protect cats from disease and injury,...
My cat is very active at night and keeps waking me up, what should I do? Some cats are active at night, or are awake and ‘raring to go’ very early in the morning. Since many...
What causes dogs to bark excessively? Barking is a normal behaviour in dogs. Humans have encouraged and selected for barking over generations of domestication. What constitutes...
Why is my cat urinating inappropriately? Feline inappropriate urination (urinating in the wrong place) can be quite common. It often involves the cat urinating outside their...
My dog is barking excessively, what should I do? Dogs bark excessively for numerous reasons including boredom, excitement, distress, territorial defence and fear and anxiety. Therefore the solutions to...
My neighbour’s dog is constantly barking and disturbing me, what should I do? Barking can be a source of annoyance and frustration for neighbours. Barking is a natural behaviour of dogs so if...
How can I help with my adopted greyhound’s behaviour? Adopted greyhounds can do amazingly well considering that many are considerably disadvantaged by their start in life. Their different early...
What is the best way to train my adopted greyhound? Helping your dog to become a good canine companion is one of the most important responsibilities for every dog owner....
What should I know before taking my dog to an ‘off-leash’ park? Off-leash dog parks offer many physical and mental benefits for dogs and people including the opportunity to exercise, socialise, and...
Is the use of electronic dog collars legal? The RSPCA is opposed to the use of any electronically activated devices which deliver electric shocks (e.g., anti-barking collars, invisible...
Why should I desex my rabbits? Desexing has numerous benefits for both male and female pet rabbits including reducing problem behaviours, facilitating easier bonding with new...
What are the animal welfare issues with electric shock collars on dogs? The use of electric shock collars on dogs is illegal in several Australian states and territories. Collar-mounted devices capable of...