What vaccinations should my cat receive? Vaccinations are an important part of caring for your cat. Vaccines provide protection from some diseases such as enteritis (feline...
How can I teach my dog recall (to come when called)? One of the most important skills your dog needs to learn is “recall” – coming to you when you call....
What can I do if I suspect a problem with my pet’s food or treats? There have been a number of pet food product safety incidents over the years that have raised some concerns about...
Why and how should I groom my dog? Grooming the dogs in your care is important. There are health and welfare benefits over and above making their coat...
What type of cat collar should I use? To balance your cat’s safety with providing easy identification, a collar with a breakaway clip and ID tag is recommended....
How can I keep my rabbits safe against household hazards? Many rabbits are kept indoors, with free range of the house and even parts of the yard, but these unsupervised...
What does my cat’s body language mean? A cat’s body language can be subtle, so it’s not always easy to accurately read how they’re feeling. To understand...
Where should I keep my rabbits? Rabbits can be housed indoors, outdoors, or a combination of both. There are some basic considerations for housing, and then...
Can rabbits get heat stress? Many people mistakenly believe that, because feral rabbits seem to thrive in Australia, rabbits must be heat tolerant. The truth...
How do I groom my rabbits? Long-haired rabbits have been prized for many years. But, like long-haired dogs and cats, few people appreciate the effort that...
How do I litter train my rabbit? Rabbits have two kinds of faeces; caecotrophs (which they eat); and small, firm globe-shaped pellets approximately the size of a...
How can I keep my rabbit entertained, alert, and interested in their surroundings? Environmental enrichment has been defined as “the stimulation of the brain by its physical and social surroundings in an attempt...
Why is enrichment important for dogs? Enrichment involves mentally and physically stimulating activities that engage an animal’s mind, body, and senses (e.g., smell, taste, sound, smell,...
How should I care for my birds? Are birds the right companion animals for me? What is the right bird for me? There are plenty of studies...
How can I keep my birds entertained, alert, and interested in their environment? Behaviour of wild birds There is an extensive body of literature devoted to observations of wild bird behaviour. While there...
Where should I get my bird from? At some time, everyone who keeps birds will acquire a new bird – a new pet, a new breeder, a...
Where should I keep my birds? Companion birds are most commonly kept in indoor cages and enclosures, although some are housed in either temporary or permanent...
How will I keep my bird safe against household hazards? Every year hundreds of birds suffer from health problems caused by their environment. Their human companions are often shocked (and...
What does a healthy bird look like? When looking at bird, you must be aware of the ‘masking phenomenon’. Birds are, for the most part, a prey...
How should I handle my bird? At some time, you, the owner, must handle (and sometimes restrain), your bird. Traditionally, it was considered acceptable to put...