Is it legal to sell exotic animals such as monkeys or tigers as pets in Australia? RSPCA Australia receives many enquiries about exotic animals such as monkeys, tigers and lions for sale over the internet. These animals...
What is the illegal wildlife trade and why is it inhumane? The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar global industry estimated to involve billions of individual animals [1, 2]. Wild...
What is shark finning and is it legal in Australia? Shark fin soup has been a traditional east Asian dish, symbolic of wealth and prestige, for several hundred years. In...
Is it legal to hunt protected species such as marine turtles and dugongs? Marine turtles and dugongs are protected under the Australian Government’s Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), which...
Is eating cats or dogs legal? RSPCA Australia is opposed to the use of dogs and cats for fur or food as these animals have a...
Is it legal to have unrestrained dogs on ute trays or other open vehicles? As outlined in the table below, legislation in many Australian states and territories specifically prohibit people from transporting dogs unrestrained...
Can native animals be kept as pets? RSPCA believes that wild animals, even if they are captive-bred, should not be kept as pets unless there is clear...
Is the tail docking of dogs legal in Australia? In 2004, the cosmetic tail docking of dogs was banned nationwide. This means that a veterinary surgeon must not dock...
Is the use of electronic dog collars legal? The RSPCA is opposed to the use of any electronically activated devices which deliver electric shocks (e.g., anti-barking collars, invisible...
Is cock fighting legal in Australia? Cockfighting, as well as possessing any fighting equipment for cockfighting, is illegal in all states and territories across Australia. Despite...
Is dog fighting legal in Australia? Dog fighting is illegal in Australia. It is also illegal to possess any fighting equipment designed for dog fighting. Despite...
Is it legal to use dogs to hunt deer? The use of dogs in hunting can pose welfare risks to both the animal being hunted and the dog. Deer...
Can enclosed yabby traps harm animals and are they legal to use? Despite bans and restrictions being placed on the opera house net trap in different states and territories, they continue to...