What happens to livestock that are exported for slaughter overseas? The majority of food animals destined for slaughter overseas are first mustered on their property of origin, then loaded onto...
What are the animal welfare issues with on-farm euthanasia of meat chickens? Chickens in the meat industry are sometimes required to be euthanased on-farm if they are weak, sick, injured or unable...
What are the animal welfare issues with mass killing of farmed animals using ventilation shutdown? Ventilation shutdown (VSD) methods cause prolonged distress and suffering of animals before death. The effectiveness and time to death is...
What is mass killing? Mass killing, or the killing of large numbers of farmed animals, is at times required in the event of an...
How is animal welfare regulated at Australian knackeries? A knackery is a facility where animals are killed for pet food or the making of animal by-products used in...
What are the animal welfare issues with poultry slaughter? Meat chickens and layer hens, the main types of poultry farmed in Australia, are two different breeds of birds and...
How should backyard chickens be euthanased when this is necessary? You are responsible for your chickens’ health and welfare, including ensuring that they have a humane death when the time...
What are glue boards and why are they inhumane? Glue boards (also known as glue traps) are made of cardboard, plastic or wood covered in an adhesive and are...