It is important to have equipment that is safe and comfortable when teaching your dog to walk on a leash so the experience is enjoyable for both of you. Remember that teaching your dog to walk on a leash can be a challenging skill to teach, as dogs often wish to explore the world at a much faster pace than we do. However, It is an extremely important skill to teach your dog as it keeps you both safe and makes walks much more enjoyable.
The RSPCA recommends teaching your dog to walk on a leash by ‘loose leash walking’. Loose leash walking operates on the basic principles of reward-based training. Essentially, if a dog is walking on leash without pulling, the owner can keep walking and reward the dog for that desired behaviour. However, if the dog starts to pull, the owner should stop and stand still like a tree. By stopping, the dog is not rewarded for pulling and the dog learns that when they pull they won’t go forward.
The dog learns that when they don’t pull (and the leash is ‘loose’) they are able to continue walking forward (which is rewarding). It’s also important to reward frequently and with something your dog really likes (with a small, tasty dog treat, every few steps) when the dog is in the correct position – this achieves the required outcome a lot faster.
What walking equipment should be used?
Step 1: Collar and leash
First of all you need to select a suitable and comfortable collar or harness for your dog. Collars/harnesses need to be in good condition, adjusted to fit correctly and comfortable for your dog to wear.
A harness is ideal for walking and training your dog as it prevents them pulling on and potentially hurting their neck. Harnesses are also important for a dog whose neck is not appreciably narrower than their head (e.g. a greyhound or whippet), or for when you really want to make sure that the dog can’t slip their collar.
The general rule of thumb for a collar is that you need to be able to slide two fingers comfortably under the collar. Puppies grow extremely quickly so you need to check the fit of your puppy’s collar at least a few times a week; the same goes for a harness. If you have a medium or large breed puppy, you will need to purchase a small collar/harness initially, and reinvest in new collars as your dog outgrows them.
Check chains (choker chains or slip collars) or pronged/pinch collars must not be used as they cause pain and distress to animals, and can cause damage to the neck.
Secondly, you’ll need to select a suitable and comfortable leash (lead). Leashes need to be in good condition and of a suitable size for your dog. Thick leashes with large clips are often too weighty for small dogs and can put undue pressure on the neck and spine. Thin leashes with small clips are unsuitable for large dogs as they will often break. Leashes should be long enough to allow your dog some range to explore when on walks, while staying within the limits of the leash length (approximately 2 metres). A short leash will set your dog up to pull.
Extendable, retractable or bungee leashes are not recommended. They give you less control and this lack of effective control can mean that your dog may get too close to dangers (e.g., traffic or something dangerous they could eat such as a bait) or to other animals (causing stress and/or danger to themselves or the other animal). If your dog takes off and reaches the end of the leash, they can receive a jerk which could damage their neck. They also encourage pulling. In addition, the long length and nature of these leashes mean there is a risk of dogs getting entangled in these leashes which poses a risk of injury. Potential entanglement is also a danger to people as a dog can wrap the leash around people’s legs causing a trip hazard and or injury. What if my dog is still pulling after trying ‘loose-leash walking’ with a suitable collar and leash?
Step 2: Front-attach harness
Some dogs pull strongly on the leash no matter how much training you put in, and some owners are unable to invest the necessary time to teach their dogs loose-leash walking with a collar and leash. The most appropriate management tool in these instances for most dogs is a front-attach harness. This is a gentle training aid that helps to stop dogs from pulling. Ask your trainer who practices reward-based training to assist you in fitting a front-attach harness for your dog and how to use them.
We strongly recommend that you use a double-ended leash with a front-attach harness. A double-ended leash can be made by threading the handles of two normal leashes together, or you can purchase one. One end of the leash is clipped to the front of the harness and the other to the back of the harness or normal neck collar. The dog is led from the back attachment and the front one used for turning if they start to pull.
What about head collars?
While head collars were often used in the past to control pulling, their place has largely been taken by front-attach harnesses, which are very effective and generally well tolerated by the dog. If used inappropriately, head collars can cause discomfort or injury, as the dog’s head can be jerked to the side. Dogs also have to be trained to accept them. Many dogs do not tolerate head collars and appear to find them uncomfortable and distressing: they should not be considered without first trying loose-leash walking and a front-attach harness as the first options.
If your dog is still pulling, consult a trainer who practices reward-based training for further advice. If your trainer does recommend a head collar (after having first tried other options), they will fit it and explain to you how to use it.