• Why is my guinea pig scratching?

    Many owners are distressed when they see their guinea pigs scratching, especially if they are breaking their own skin with the nails. Some will even scratch so much that they actually have a seizure. So, what causes guinea pigs to become so itchy? Ringworm This is seen occasionally, especially in…

  • How will I keep my guinea pigs safe against household hazards?

    Many guinea pigs are kept indoors, with free range of the house and even parts of the yard. Like small children however, unsupervised activities can put your guinea pigs at risk. Guinea pigs are great chewers, so the most dangerous household hazards are things that they can chew on and…

  • How do guinea pigs breed?

    Before you decide if you want to breed your guinea pigs, there are some things you need to know: Female guinea pigs become capable of breeding by the age of 4-8 weeks. The males reach sexual maturity at about the same time. Pregnancy is 59-72 days, with litters of 2-5…

  • What does a healthy guinea pig look like?

    Whether you are obtaining a guinea pig, or just checking your little pigs over each day, you need to understand what a healthy guinea pig looks like. This is not as detailed as a veterinary examination, but it should alert you to a potential problem that requires further investigation. The…

  • How should I handle my guinea pigs?

    It is always important to remember that guinea pigs are a prey species (i.e., they are eaten by other animals). They are gentle animals but nervous by nature and will try to escape if they feel threatened. Being picked up and carried is not a natural situation for these small…

  • Where should I keep my guinea pigs?

    Guinea pigs can be kept indoors, outdoors, or both. Companion guinea pigs are often kept in indoor hutches and enclosures, although some are housed in either temporary or permanent outdoor enclosures. Outdoor enclosures offer a wider range of stimulation, but this comes with greater threats – you must take care…

  • Do my guinea pigs need to be wormed?

    In general, guinea pigs do not need to be regularly wormed unless your guinea pigs’ vet confirms they have worms, as intestinal parasites are uncommon in guinea pigs. This is despite common advice that they should be wormed every three months. What intestinal parasites can guinea pigs carry? Coccidia is…

  • How can I socialise my new guinea pig with other guinea pigs and my family?

    Guinea pigs are incredibly gentle animals and can be a great animal companion for families, but they are a social species and need to be kept with other guinea pigs. In their natural habitat, they live in herds and communicate frequently with each other with sounds and body movements. Your…

  • Are guinea pigs the right pets for me?

    Guinea pigs are very clever; they can comprehend and learn things, they have excellent memory, and they have many appealing qualities. They’re small, gentle, and personable, and constantly entertaining as they go about their day. They make great pets for responsible children, as they rarely bite or scratch unless scared…