• What is induced moulting of layer hens?

    Induced moulting in the poultry industry involves artificially forcing hens to moult through manipulating their environment and diet to replicate the natural process of moulting that occurs seasonally in wild birds. This process involves total feed deprivation and/or severe feed restriction for several days to weeks. RSPCA Australia opposes all…

  • How can I socialise my rabbits with people and other rabbits?

    Socialising with people Rabbits are affectionate and lovable creatures who can bond with their owners. But, as a prey species, they can be easily startled or scared, and so the bond between owner and rabbit can damaged or destroyed if care is not taken. Some guidelines when socialising with your…

  • What companionship do rabbits need?

    Rabbits are a social species and have evolved to live in groups. In the wild, rabbits do not live alone. Rabbits kept as companions are not biologically different from their wild counterparts and so their innate need to be kept in the company of other rabbits is just as strong….

  • What are the welfare issues associated with narrowed nostrils in dogs (stenotic nares)?

    Some dogs have a condition from birth where their nostrils are narrowed or constricted; this is called stenotic nares [1]. This can partially block the dog’s airways, and can lead to the dog having difficulty breathing [2]. Stenotic nares are one component of the Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS), and…

  • Do cats have special nutritional requirements?

    Cats have special nutritional requirements because they have some fundamental differences in what and how they can metabolise and utilise different food sources compared to many other animals (such as dogs). Cats’ special nutritional requirements Cats have evolved as obligate carnivores, which means they are dependent on the nutrients that…

  • Why do horses die from competing in jumps racing?

    Jumps racing results in the death of racehorses for several reasons including catastrophic injuries, performance-restricting injuries and poor performance. The RSPCA is opposed to jumps races (steeplechasing and hurdling) because of the high probability of a horse suffering serious injury or even death as a result of participating in these…

  • Good animal welfare

    RSPCA Australia considers that the welfare of an animal includes both physical and mental states. Ensuring good animal welfare goes beyond preventing pain, suffering or distress and minimising negative experiences, to ensuring animals can express their natural behaviour in an enriching environment, feel safe, have healthy positive experiences and a…

  • What are the Five Domains of Animal Welfare?

    In 1994, Professor David Mellor and Dr Cam Reid proposed a new model to think about animal welfare and its assessment [1]. The Five Domains Model of Animal Welfare was most recently updated in 2020 and is increasingly used globally when considering the lived experience of animals in humans’ care….