What kind of enclosure does my bird need? Birds have been kept as companion animals (pets) for many hundreds of years, but the last 50 years have seen...
How, when, and why should I worm my birds? Worming birds – both aviary birds and companion pets – is a subject that is hotly discussed in avicultural and...
How do I know if this is my bird? Identifying your bird with confidence Can you honestly say that, if your bird was in a cage full of similar...
How should I care for my lorikeet? Lorikeets are brightly coloured birds of the Psittacine (parrot) family ranging from 15cm to 30cm in size, native to the...
How can I control egg laying in my parrots? Although aviculturists want their birds to lay eggs, pet bird owners face a dilemma that is the exact opposite –...
How should I groom my bird? Many bird owners like to groom their birds, i.e., trim their wings, nails, and beaks. This has to be done...
How do I bond with my companion bird? One of the main reasons for having a pet is to bond with them in some fashion. Ideally, birds and...
How do I socialise my new bird with other birds? Birds gather together in a flock which serve primarily as a protective unit for the birds. The relationship the birds...
What should I feed my birds? Advances in recent years have shown us that feeding an all-seed diet is not just a bad diet, but one...
Does my bird have external parasites (e.g. lice, mites, ticks, fleas)? Birds can carry a large number of external parasites (ectoparasites) – fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. This isn’t as common...
Why do birds chew and pull out their feathers? Feather damaging behaviour (FDB) is damage to, or destruction of, a bird’s feathering by the birds themselves. It can include...
Can my reptile make me sick? Most, if not all, reptiles carry Salmonella bacteria in their intestinal tract and intermittently or continuously shed these bacteria in...
Should I feed live insects to my reptile? The potential impacts on both reptiles and insects should be considered when making the difficult choice of whether you should...
How can I tell if my reptile is sick? As many of you with reptilian pets would know, they can be challenging to read sometimes! Signs of illness can...
How should I care for my blue tongue skink? The most common reptile species kept as pets are typically medium-sized, non-threatened, captive-bred, and easily obtained. The Eastern Blue Tongue...
How should I care for my bearded dragon? The most common reptile species kept as pets are typically medium-sized, non-threatened, captive-bred, and easily obtained. The central (or inland)...
How should I care for my turtles? Australia is home to over 20 species of freshwater turtle. They all share the characteristic of retracting their head and...
Where should I get my reptile? Once you have decided what kind of reptile you want to keep, have a home set up for them, and...
Should I desex my guinea pigs? Yes, you should have your guinea pigs desexed! Read on to find out why. Did you know that: Female guinea...
What dental problems do guinea pigs get? Guinea pigs (and rabbits) are very different from many other companion animals in that their teeth continuously grow throughout their...