I think my dog has arthritis, what can I do? Arthritis (also known as osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease) is a common and serious animal health and welfare problem in...
Can I keep guinea pigs and rabbits in the same enclosure? Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be housed together in the same enclosure. While they are often regarded as similar,...
Why does my dog’s breath smell? There are a number of reasons why a dog’s breath might smell, a condition also known as halitosis. Underlying illness,...
What are common health problems in rabbits? The following is a list of the most common ailments and diseases that can affect your rabbit. It’s very important...
How should I introduce my new cat or kitten to the family dog? First consider if it would be safe and appropriate to have both a dog and cat as part of your...
How do I care for newborn kittens and their mother? The RSPCA strongly recommends that you seek veterinary advice to ensure that your cat and kittens receive the best care...
How should I look after my new kitten? Congratulations on the recent addition to your household! Now that you have a kitten to care for there are many...
How often do I need to groom my cat? While most companion cats will groom themselves, maintaining a regular grooming routine will benefit their health and welfare. How, and...
What should I feed my guinea pigs? Your guinea pigs are herbivores, which means they eat only plant material. Grass hay should be the high-fibre cornerstone of...
My rabbit keeps biting me, what should I do? Rabbits are timid, gentle, curious, and affectionate if given the opportunity. However, they lack the ability to communicate directly with...
What is myxomatosis and how do I protect my rabbit from it? Myxomatosis is caused by the myxoma virus, a poxvirus spread between rabbits by close contact and biting insects such as...
What is rabbit calicivirus and how do I protect my rabbit from rabbit haemorrhagic disease? Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is caused by the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), a type of calicivirus which is fatal...
What is the most humane way to euthanase aquarium fish? The term euthanasia comes from the Greek language meaning a good death (eu = good, thanatos = death). Euthanasia of...
How can I help with my adopted greyhound’s behaviour? Adopted greyhounds can do amazingly well considering that many are considerably disadvantaged by their start in life. Their different early...
How do I best care for my newly adopted greyhound? There are many things to consider to ensure your greyhound is healthy. This includes diet, vaccinations, parasite control, and keeping...
Should pet greyhounds have to wear muzzles? In some Australian jurisdictions, there is a compulsory requirement for pet greyhounds to wear a muzzle in public. Greyhound muzzling...
What do I need to consider before adopting an ex-racing greyhound? There are several important things anyone thinking of adopting a greyhound should consider that will help make the transition to...
Why do greyhounds need help with toilet training? Many greyhounds haven’t had the opportunity to learn about toilet training. Therefore, your new greyhound may need some help to...
What should I know before taking my dog to an ‘off-leash’ park? Off-leash dog parks offer many physical and mental benefits for dogs and people including the opportunity to exercise, socialise, and...
What do I need to know about tethering birds? Tethering involves tying an animal to an anchor point for a prolonged period as a means of confinement. Due to...