How do I best care for my newly adopted greyhound? There are many things to consider to ensure your greyhound is healthy. This includes diet, vaccinations, parasite control, and keeping...
What do I need to consider before adopting an ex-racing greyhound? There are several important things anyone thinking of adopting a greyhound should consider that will help make the transition to...
Why is it important to understand my greyhound’s background? Greyhounds can, and do, make great pets. Unfortunately many of their early life experiences, such as a lack of appropriate...
What are some red flags when looking for a dog or cat online? The cardinal rule when looking for a dog or cat online is never buy an animal without meeting them in...
Is there a safe way to look for a new companion animal online? While the internet is a great way to research and look for your new best friend, you should absolutely avoid...
RSPCA Guidelines for the Online Advertising of Pets The RSPCA has developed the RSPCA Guidelines for the Online Advertising of Pets to assist websites who trade pets online....
How do I care for my rabbits? There are about 30 breeds of rabbits, ranging in colours, shapes, and sizes. The most popular breeds are the Dwarf...
How can I socialise my rabbits with people and other rabbits? Socialising with people Rabbits are affectionate and lovable creatures who can bond with their owners. But, as a prey species,...
How can I socialise my puppy? There are many ways that you can make sure that your puppy has lots of different and positive experiences that...
How can I keep my rabbits safe against household hazards? Many rabbits are kept indoors, with free range of the house and even parts of the yard, but these unsupervised...
Where should I keep my rabbits? Rabbits can be housed indoors, outdoors, or a combination of both. There are some basic considerations for housing, and then...
Can rabbits get heat stress? Many people mistakenly believe that, because feral rabbits seem to thrive in Australia, rabbits must be heat tolerant. The truth...
How do I groom my rabbits? Long-haired rabbits have been prized for many years. But, like long-haired dogs and cats, few people appreciate the effort that...
How do I litter train my rabbit? Rabbits have two kinds of faeces; caecotrophs (which they eat); and small, firm globe-shaped pellets approximately the size of a...
How can I keep my rabbit entertained, alert, and interested in their surroundings? Environmental enrichment has been defined as “the stimulation of the brain by its physical and social surroundings in an attempt...
Are reptiles the right pet for me? Although keeping reptiles (such as turtles, lizards, and snakes) is common in many parts of the world, relatively little is...
How should I care for my carpet python? Large semi-arboreal (spending some of their time in trees) pythons of the genus Morelia are common in the suburbs of...
Is this the right reptile for me? So, you’ve decided that a reptile is the right animal for you. But which reptile? There are some species that...
Is keeping backyard chickens right for me? Some might view chickens as strictly farm animals. But it’s relatively common for homes in the suburbs and cities to...
How do I keep my chickens safe in my yard? There are many hazards in most backyards. Some are so commonplace that we often fail to recognise them as dangers....