What is rabbit calicivirus and how do I protect my rabbit from rabbit haemorrhagic disease? Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is caused by the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), a type of calicivirus which is fatal...
How can you measure the humaneness of a pest animal control method? In Australia, many different methods are used to control or kill animals classed as pests. These methods include chemicals and...
What are the animal welfare issues with catching feral buffalo? Water buffalo (Bubula bubalis) are large (450–1,180kg) wallowing herbivores that were introduced to Australia around the mid-1800s, for work and...
Can recreational hunting hinder the management of pest animals? The answer is yes. Recreational hunters have interfered with the effective control of pest animals in some areas, especially in...
How can pest animal control programs be made more humane? Many introduced and some native animals are classed as ‘pests’; because they have a negative impact on the environment or...
Is recreational hunting an effective form of pest animal management? Recreational hunting causes inevitable pain and suffering to animals and is not an effective form of pest management. In the...
What is the RSPCA’s view on the trapping of wild dogs? Wild dogs, (include feral cross-breed dogs, dingoes and hybrids of the two) can cause substantial suffering to livestock when they kill...
What is humane vertebrate pest control? Humane vertebrate pest control (HVPC) is the development and selection of feasible control programs and techniques that avoid or minimise...
What is the RSPCA’s view on using 1080 for pest animal control? RSPCA Australia recognises the need to control introduced species, such as the fox, to reduce both environmental and agricultural impacts....
What is the most humane way to control wild rabbits? In most states landholders have a legal obligation to control wild rabbits on their property as they are classed as...
Where can I find information on best practice management of feral goats? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of wild rabbits? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of feral horses? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of feral pigs? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of foxes? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of hares? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of pest birds? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of wild deer? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
Where can I find information on best practice management of wild dogs? RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce...
What is the most humane way to kill a cane toad? Cane toads are a highly invasive species and are regarded as a major environmental pest in Australia. While there is...