How do I find out what plants are poisonous to livestock or horses? General information for livestock The University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine Library has a good database of plants toxic to animals...
How do I know if my horse’s gear fits properly? The correct selection and fitting of gear is very important if you want your horse to be relaxed and to...
Do I need to provide shade and shelter for my horse? A domestic horse needs access to shade and shelter. A free living (wild or feral horse) can seek these out...
How do I keep my horse healthy? To answer this question we first need to know how a healthy horse looks and behaves. What are the signs...
Do I need to rug my horse? For domestic horses the answer is yes, no, and maybe! While it is true that wild and free-living horses survive...
What is laminitis, and how can it be prevented or treated? Laminitis (also termed founder) is inflammation of the laminae of the foot – the soft tissue structures that attach the...
Does my horse need a companion? Horses naturally live in herds and a normal horse is never alone by choice. These facts drive the behaviour of...
How can I take care of my horse with Queensland Itch? You should suspect that your horse has ‘Queensland Itch’ if it develops a reoccurring, itchy skin condition every summer and...
When does my horse need to see the dentist? A vet or qualified equine dentist should be called in regularly to thoroughly examine and carry out any necessary work...
How much should I exercise my horse? Horses require lots of daily exercise because they are essentially grazing athletes. When you own a horse you need to...
How much water does my horse need? All horses must have access to clean drinking water 24 hours a day. Horses should always be provided with more...
What are the key things I should understand about horse behaviour? Understanding at least basic horse behaviour is a very important part of responsible horse ownership. A good understanding of horse...
What is a restrictive noseband and how does it harm horses? Restrictive nosebands, which are increasingly popular in the equestrian disciplines of dressage, are designed to prevent horses from opening their...
What should I feed my horse? Horses have evolved to eat a very high fibre diet so this should be the main component of any feeding...
Why do I need to groom my horse? Grooming should be undertaken as part of your routine horse care. Basic grooming involves brushing the whole of the body...
Can I feed my horse on lawn mower clippings and other garden waste? NO! Feeding horses on lawn mower clippings can be very dangerous for several reasons. When lawn mower clippings are fresh...
What weight should my horse be? A healthy horse should not be fat or too thin. Until you gain experience it can sometimes be hard to...
Why is it important to vaccinate my horse against Hendra virus? There are three important reasons to vaccinate your horse against Hendra virus. First, vaccination reduces the risk of your horse...
How do parasites affect my horse? The main parasites that horses can be afflicted by are ticks, lice, worms and bots. The three main ticks that...
How often should my horse see the farrier? All domestic horses need good, regular hoof care. Hooves that are allowed to grow long are not just unsightly –...