How should farm animals be managed during drought? The frequency of exceptionally hot years, low rainfall and low soil moisture has been increasing in recent decades and this...
Is tethering of farm animals acceptable? Tethering is where an animal is fastened by a chain to a central anchor point, causing it to be confined...
What is veal? Veal is the meat from a younger animal of either a dairy breed, dairy crossbreed or beef breed. Dairy and...
Does extreme heat affect farm animals? The frequency of exceptionally hot years is expected to continue across Australia in years to come, which means that consecutive...
What is swill and can I feed it to pigs, poultry or other farm animals? Swill is any animal food that contains animal matter such as meat, meat products or meat by-products. It is illegal in...
What are the animal welfare issues associated with duck production? Ducks may be farmed in Australia for their meat, eggs or feathers. Domestic ducks used in duck farming all originate...
How can feather pecking be managed in cage-free layer hen systems? Severe feather pecking is an injurious behaviour performed by birds, where they will vigorously peck at and pull out the...
How can free-range layer hens be encouraged to use the range area? Hens’ use of the outdoor range area in free-range housing systems is dependent on multiple factors. These factors include the...
How much space does a layer hen need? For layer hens to experience good animal welfare it is important they have enough space to move freely and express...
Is permanently housing dairy cows indoors an animal welfare issue? There are over 1.4 million dairy cows in Australia. On average, each cow produces close to 6,170 litres of milk...
How can the risk of disease and parasites be managed in cage-free layer hen housing systems? Cage-free systems for layer hens include free-range, barn, and aviary housing systems. Cage-free systems are beneficial for hen welfare because...
How much milk should dairy calves be fed? Common dairy industry practice is to feed unweaned calves around 10% of calf body weight in milk daily. However, this...
Is group housing preferable to individual housing of dairy calves? Calves born in a natural environment will begin interacting with each other at around 1-2 weeks of age when the...
Why is it important for layer hens to express normal behaviours? Layer hens will normally lay their eggs in an enclosed nest, perch, forage, and dust bathe [1, 2]. The ability...
What are the animal welfare issues with dairy goat farming? Goats, particularly young goats, are inquisitive and playful and their housing system must be able to satisfy natural behaviours that...
How are beef cattle reared? Beef cattle are reared outdoors in all Australian states and territories. Southern areas with good pasture have herds with a...
What is beak trimming and why is it carried out? Beak trimming is the practice of removing the tip of a bird’s beak to blunt or round its end. Beak...
Why are livestock left in paddocks without shade? It is common to see all types of animals in the heat without protection from the sun. While farm animals have various...
What is the difference between, free range, outdoor bred, organic, sow-stall free, RSPCA Approved? ‘Free range’, ‘outdoor bred’, ‘organic’ and ‘sow-stall free’ are terms that are applied to animal-based food products, such as meat...
What is avian influenza (or ‘bird flu’) and what is its impact on animal welfare? Avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease that primarily affects birds but can also pose...