What does a healthy guinea pig look like? Whether you are obtaining a guinea pig, or just checking your little pigs over each day, you need to understand...
How will I keep my guinea pigs safe against household hazards? Many guinea pigs are kept indoors, with free range of the house and even parts of the yard. Like small...
Why is my guinea pig scratching? Many owners are distressed when they see their guinea pigs scratching, especially if they are breaking their own skin with...
What are common health problems in guinea pigs? Guinea pigs, when looked after well, are usually hardy little animals who will usually live for 4-6 years, although some...
How should I handle my chickens? Chickens who need to be examined should be caught quickly and cleanly, with minimal stress. You may sometimes be able...
How do I treat my chickens for parasites? Backyard chickens are commonly infected with both internal parasites (worms, tapeworms, coccidia, and other protozoa) and external parasites (fleas, lice,...
Can my bird make me sick? Feathered pets are fascinating additions to the family, not to mention an incredible hobby. A 2022 report estimates that the...
What diseases can my chickens get? As with the husbandry and management of any animal, there are disease problems associated with backyard chickens. Understanding disease We...
What vaccinations do my chickens need? Ideally, backyard chickens (because they usually live longer than commercial chickens) should be vaccinated against a range of diseases during...
What do I need to know about drug withholding periods for my chickens? The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) has defined food-producing animal species as any animal used to produce food...
What does an unhealthy rat look like? You can learn the most about your rats through their behaviour, appearance, and body language. It’s important to continually observe...
What are common health problems in rats? Dental disease Overgrown incisor teeth (particular the lower incisors) are the most common oral problem in rats as their incisors...
What are common health problems in mice? Dental disease Overgrown incisor teeth (particular the lower incisors) are the most common oral problem in mice as their incisors...
What does an unhealthy mouse look like? You can learn the most about your mice through their behaviour, appearance, and body language. It’s important to continually observe...
What are the options to improve wild koala welfare? Koalas are an iconic Australian species, known to attract thousands of tourists every year. Koalas living in the wild suffer...