How is the live export trade regulated in Australia? Exporting livestock for slaughter in foreign countries poses significant and unavoidable risks to animal welfare. These risks are inherent to...
What are the standards of animal welfare onboard live export ships? Standards for the preparation, loading and confinement of animals on board ship are set by the federal government through the...
Why is the RSPCA opposed to the live export trade? The export of live sheep, cattle and goats for slaughter gives rise to multiple serious welfare problems. The welfare of...
What happens to breeding and dairy cattle exported overseas? Each year, Australia exports tens of thousands of dairy cattle and breeding animals to countries all over the world to...
What happens to livestock that are exported for slaughter overseas? The majority of food animals destined for slaughter overseas are first mustered on their property of origin, then loaded onto...
Why should the live export of horses and donkeys for slaughter be prohibited? The export of any animals for slaughter has serious welfare problems — some relate to transport conditions resulting in stress,...
What does the new legislation to end live sheep export by sea mean for Australian sheep? What is the legislation? On the 1st July 2024 the Australian Parliament passed legislation to end live sheep export by...