Is recreational hunting an effective form of pest animal management? Recreational hunting causes inevitable pain and suffering to animals and is not an effective form of pest management. In the...
Can recreational hunting hinder the management of pest animals? The answer is yes. Recreational hunters have interfered with the effective control of pest animals in some areas, especially in...
Is recreational hunting humane? Recreational hunting poses many welfare risks associated with shooting as well as stalking or chasing animals. In addition, there is...
Which States allow recreational hunting in National Parks? Recreational hunters are, or have been, permitted under strict controls in specified national parks in Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and...
What is the RSPCA’s view on recreational hunting? The RSPCA opposes recreational hunting, or the act of stalking or pursuing an animal and then killing it for sport, due...
Which animals can be hunted for sport or recreation? Due to the inherent risks involved, many animals hunted for sport or recreation will suffer pain and distress. Most of...
How does hunting affect non-target animals? Hunting not only affects the target animal that is killed or wounded by a bullet, arrow or knife. It can...
How do recreational hunters kill deer and is it humane? Hunting poses many welfare risks including injury, pain and distress, especially for a species like deer as they are highly...
Are there any alternatives to recreational hunting that do not involve killing animals? The RSPCA opposes recreational hunting due to the inherent and inevitable pain and suffering caused to animals and strongly encourages alternative...
What are trophy and canned hunting and are they legal in Australia? Hunting animals for sport poses significant animal welfare risks in relation to the pursuit of animals, use of dogs, injuries...