How should I care for my pet ducks? Ducks are generally very social and curious birds who can bond closely with people when kept as pets. Ducks are...
What is the RSPCA’s view on dubbing poultry for show purposes? The RSPCA regularly receives complaints from members of the public regarding the practice of dubbing of exhibition poultry. RSPCA policy on...
What do I need to know about drug withholding periods for my chickens? The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) has defined food-producing animal species as any animal used to produce food...
Are these the right chickens for me? Even though they have been domesticated for thousands of years, different breeds of chicken have been developed under the influence...
What housing do I need for my chickens? Types of housing for chickens Chicken enclosures generally consist of a coop (a solid structure that houses the chickens at...
How do I help my chickens to get along with each other? Although chickens are very social animals, the structure of their flock is based on their ability to communicate, a dominance...
What does a healthy chicken look like? You should watch for signs of disease or distress in chickens on a daily basis. This starts with a good...
How should backyard chickens be euthanased when this is necessary? You are responsible for your chickens’ health and welfare, including ensuring that they have a humane death when the time...
What vaccinations do my chickens need? Ideally, backyard chickens (because they usually live longer than commercial chickens) should be vaccinated against a range of diseases during...
What diseases can my chickens get? As with the husbandry and management of any animal, there are disease problems associated with backyard chickens. Understanding disease We...
Can my bird make me sick? Feathered pets are fascinating additions to the family, not to mention an incredible hobby. A 2022 report estimates that the...
How should I care for my backyard chickens? The keeping of backyard poultry, once an almost universal practice in Australia, declined in the 1970s and 80s, but is...
How do I treat my chickens for parasites? Backyard chickens are commonly infected with both internal parasites (worms, tapeworms, coccidia, and other protozoa) and external parasites (fleas, lice,...
How should I handle my chickens? Chickens who need to be examined should be caught quickly and cleanly, with minimal stress. You may sometimes be able...
How can I use environmental enrichment to provide opportunities for my chickens to experience good welfare? Environmental enrichment describes the provision of physical and social opportunities to promote chicken behaviour that is important, valuable, and specific...
How do I feed my chickens a healthy diet? Whether your chickens are pets or kept for food (e.g., for eggs), they all require a healthy diet to maintain...
How do I keep my chickens safe in my yard? There are many hazards in most backyards. Some are so commonplace that we often fail to recognise them as dangers....
Is keeping backyard chickens right for me? Some might view chickens as strictly farm animals. But it’s relatively common for homes in the suburbs and cities to...
Do I need to keep a rooster with my backyard hens? Many backyard poultry flocks end up with a rooster or two. There are a few reasons this happens: If you...
How do I groom my chickens? Wing trimming/clipping Wing trimming is sometimes required when chickens are flying over fences into dangerous or restricted areas (raised garden...