
What is an RSPCA position paper?

An RSPCA Australia position paper is an explanatory document and is intended to be more comprehensive than an RSPCA policy on a particular topic or subject. A position paper may include a restatement of a related policy but it also contains background information and discussion or statements of how policy should be implemented or provides guidance on how certain activities should be carried out. The aim is to provide a more in-depth understanding of the subject involved and the rationale behind the position taken. A position paper may refer to outside sources through the use of key references or footnotes. Position papers as they are more detailed than a policy statement must be responsive to change and should be reviewed or withdrawn if no longer relevant or applicable. Position papers are generated by the Policy Review Committee on the recommendation of the RSPCA Australia Board.

Position papers are developed for one of two purposes:

  • To set consistent national guidelines for internal RSPCA procedures and practices (for an internal audience and as a guide for other animal welfare organisations); or
  • To set out the RSPCA’s position on the requirements for animal welfare with the intention of influencing the drafting of legislation standards and guidelines (for an external audience of relevant stakeholders/policy makers).

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Updated on April 26, 2019

RSPCA policies reflect the best available evidence to direct and guide RSPCA and others, to promote and achieve good animal welfare outcomes.

Reference to ‘the RSPCA’ or ‘RSPCA’ in this document means RSPCA Australia and each of the RSPCA Australia member Societies.

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