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  4. What is an RSPCA discussion paper?

What is an RSPCA discussion paper?

An RSPCA Australia discussion paper is a document which attempts to examine current opinion and evidence on a specific animal welfare issue. A discussion paper may reflect differing perspectives, but should provide balanced information on a particular topic. It may include recommendations on what position the RSPCA should take (and may be used to formulate a position paper). Discussion papers may originate from (and include feedback from) various sources, including RSPCA Australia staff, Member Societies, Board working groups, collaborative working groups. Discussion papers are intended to inform discussion and thus may be amended in response to comment and feedback from interested parties.

The purpose: of a discussion paper to examine current opinion and evidence on a specific animal welfare issue and make recommendations on what position the RSPCA should take, for consideration and feedback from an internal and external audience (e.g. peak bodies involved in the issue).

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Updated on May 2, 2019

RSPCA policies reflect the best available evidence to direct and guide RSPCA and others, to promote and achieve good animal welfare outcomes.

Reference to ‘the RSPCA’ or ‘RSPCA’ in this document means RSPCA Australia and each of the RSPCA Australia member Societies.

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