• How do I keep my chickens safe in my yard?

    There are many hazards in most backyards. Some are so commonplace that we often fail to recognise them as dangers. Others are very obvious, and these often distract us from less obvious hazards. The trick to minimising these hazards is to try to think and see things just like a…

  • Is keeping backyard chickens right for me?

    Some might view chickens as strictly farm animals. But it’s relatively common for homes in the suburbs and cities to have pet chickens as well. There are many chicken breeds to choose from, including ISA Browns, Wyandottes, Silkies, Rhode Island Reds, and Brahmas. These breeds range in colouring, size, and…

  • Do I need to keep a rooster with my backyard hens?

    Many backyard poultry flocks end up with a rooster or two. There are a few reasons this happens: If you buy very young chicks, it can be difficult to identify the sex – you end up buying a rooster or two instead of hens by mistake. It’s a common misconception…

  • How do I groom my chickens?

    Wing trimming/clipping Wing trimming is sometimes required when chickens are flying over fences into dangerous or restricted areas (raised garden beds, pools, etc.). The concept of wing clipping is not to prevent flight completely, but rather to reduce the chicken’s ability to gain height and speed. Most chickens are too…

  • What are the animal welfare issues with housing layer hens in cages?

    All layer hen housing systems have advantages and disadvantages, but caged housing systems inherently compromise the welfare of layer hens because of the confinement and behavioural restriction they impose. Layer hens will normally choose to nest and lay eggs in enclosed nest boxes, hens will perch and roost at night,…

  • How should I care for my guinea pigs?

    Are guinea pigs the right companion animal for me? There are plenty of studies that prove guinea pigs are very intelligent. They are very clever; they can comprehend and learn things; they have excellent memory. They need care, the right food, mental stimulation, and security. Guinea pigs are a herd…

  • What are common health problems in guinea pigs?

    Guinea pigs, when looked after well, are usually hardy little animals who will usually live for 4-6 years, although some have been reported to get well into their teens. As with any animal they can get sick, and there are a few problems that guinea pig vets realise are reasonably…

  • Will my guinea pigs be affected by heat?

    What is heat stress? When any animal is subjected to excessive environmental heat, their body responds in ways to eliminate excess heat in the body (e.g., panting, sweating, moving into shade). If the animal If the animal cannot bring its body temperature down, heat stress develops, which can then progress…

  • Where should I get my pet guinea pigs from?

    You may be able to adopt a new guinea pig (or better yet, two!) from your local animal shelter, such as the RSPCA, or a guinea pig rescue group. This also helps to reduce demand for guinea pigs (and thereby reduce uncontrolled and irresponsible breeding. You may also be able…

  • How should I groom my guinea pigs?

    Regular grooming is essential for all guinea pigs. Not only does it keep their coat clean and shiny, but it’s also an opportunity to spend time with each other and work on the bond between a person and their companion guinea pig. During grooming take the opportunity to check your…