• What do I need to consider before transporting my companion animal by air?

    There are a number of important factors to be aware of when considering transporting your companion animal (pet) by air, domestically or internationally. The following general principles can be applied to air transportation of companion animals. Is air travel suitable for your particular companion animal? Not all companion animals are…

  • How should I introduce my new dog or puppy to my existing cat?

    Introducing a new canine member to the family is a special and exciting time, but it can be a little overwhelming for all concerned – especially if you already have a cat! However, this can be managed with planning to help keep everyone safe and to minimise stress. It’s important…

  • One of my cats has died, should I get a companion for my remaining cat?

    Losing a member of the family is difficult, both for human and non-human members of the household. It has been suggested that cats experience symptoms consistent with grief (e.g., anxiety, depression) [1, 2], and many people agree that cats grieve the loss of a loved one [2, 3]. In these…

  • How should I introduce a new cat or kitten to my existing cat?

    How well cats get along with each other is influenced by a range of factors related to the owner, the cats, the environment, and husbandry. In some situations, cats may learn to get along. In other cases, they may not be compatible. Patience is absolutely key; each cat is an…

  • Should I get another cat to provide company for my cat?

    The way cats relate to one another varies. Some studies suggest that multi-cat households are more stressful for cats, others have found that being an only cat is more stressful, while others found no difference in animal welfare indicators between multi-cat and only-cat households. How well a cat manages with/without…

  • Why can’t I vaccinate my rabbit against Myxomatosis?

    The myxoma virus which causes myxomatosis is now widespread across the Australian environment which places domestic rabbits at risk of infection. There are two vaccinations against myxomatosis, but vaccination against myxomatosis is not permitted in Australia, so limiting exposure is the best preventative measure. Put mosquito netting around your rabbit’s…

  • How can I protect my dog from heatstroke?

    Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency. Seek veterinary attention immediately. Heatstroke involves potentially life-threatening elevations in body temperature (hyperthermia). Heatstroke is an emergency. In dogs, it can lead to rapid multi-organ failure and has a high mortality rate ​[1]​. Signs of heatstroke Signs of heatstroke in dogs may include: constant panting,…

  • My cat is being aggressive towards my other cat, what should I do?

    Aggressive behaviour (a threat, challenge, or attack) may include scratching, biting, and visual (e.g., changes in posture, erect fur), vocal (e.g., growling, hissing) and scent-based signals (e.g., urine spraying). If your cat is being aggressive towards your other cat, the first step is to work out why. When you identify…

  • Why does the RSPCA advocate desexing cats before puberty?

    Desexing cats before they can reproduce plays an integral role in reducing cat overpopulation and there are also many health and welfare benefits for individual cats. The RSPCA advises owners to have their cats desexed before four months of age (before puberty) and advocates desexing of all cats before puberty…

  • Why is it important to ensure my pet is microchipped?

    Microchip identification is recommended for all companion animals where it is feasible and appropriate for the species. If your pet is microchipped, the microchip is registered with an appropriate database service on a central microchip database registry and the owner contact details kept up to date, if your pet becomes…