• What does a healthy chicken look like?

    You should watch for signs of disease or distress in chickens on a daily basis. This starts with a good look at the chicken before you handle them, and then a closer exam if warranted. Looking at the chicken from the distance The examination should start with looking at the…

  • How should backyard chickens be euthanased when this is necessary?

    You are responsible for your chickens’ health and welfare, including ensuring that they have a humane death when the time comes. Ensuring a humane death requires that the method used results in rapid death, or loss of consciousness without pain, suffering, or distress followed by death. The AVMA Guidelines for…

  • What vaccinations do my chickens need?

    Ideally, backyard chickens (because they usually live longer than commercial chickens) should be vaccinated against a range of diseases during their lifetime, including Marek’s Disease, Fowl Pox, and Infectious Laryngotracheitis. However, the actual diseases vaccinated against, the vaccines used, and program and timing of vaccinations will vary according to the…

  • What diseases can my chickens get?

    As with the husbandry and management of any animal, there are disease problems associated with backyard chickens. Understanding disease We divide disease into two categories: non-infectious and infectious. Care must be taken not to confuse the words ‘infectious’ with ‘contagious.’ Infectious diseases are those caused by micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, or…

  • Can my bird make me sick?

    Feathered pets are fascinating additions to the family, not to mention an incredible hobby. A 2022 report estimates that the total number of companion birds kept in Australia is approximately 3.9 million, with just over 1 million households (10.5%) owning at least one bird ​[1]​. However, despite this popularity, bird…

  • How should I care for my backyard chickens?

    The keeping of backyard poultry, once an almost universal practice in Australia, declined in the 1970s and 80s, but is now enjoying a resurgence in popularity. People are keeping poultry for food (e.g., eggs), as pets, and as show birds. The breeding of once-endangered or rare species is another area…

  • How do I treat my chickens for parasites?

    Backyard chickens are commonly infected with both internal parasites (worms, tapeworms, coccidia, and other protozoa) and external parasites (fleas, lice, mites, and ticks). At best, these parasites will make your chickens uncomfortable and perform poorly; at worst, they can cause severe disease and even death. Good parasite control is therefore…

  • How should I handle my chickens?

    Chickens who need to be examined should be caught quickly and cleanly, with minimal stress. You may sometimes be able to easily catch a chicken at night-time, simply by lifting them off their roosting perch. To pick up a chicken, lift them by advancing your hand, palm uppermost and fingers…

  • How do I feed my chickens a healthy diet?

    Whether your chickens are pets or kept for food (e.g., for eggs), they all require a healthy diet to maintain their health in different life stages — growth, moulting, laying etc., — all of which place different strains and stresses on their bodies. There are a few things to consider…