• Why is it important to understand my greyhound’s background?

    Greyhounds can, and do, make great pets. Unfortunately many of their early life experiences, such as a lack of appropriate socialisation, can have lifelong implications. These are not necessarily impossible to overcome, but learning more about greyhound behaviour will help you better understand and cater for your dog’s needs. Not…

  • Should pet greyhounds have to wear muzzles?

    In some Australian jurisdictions, there is a compulsory requirement for pet greyhounds to wear a muzzle in public. Greyhound muzzling laws are based on ‘breed’ not on individual dog behaviour and are an example of breed-specific legislation (BSL). There is no evidence to show that greyhounds as a breed pose…

  • Can greyhounds live in harmony with other pets?

    Like all breeds of dog, there are some greyhounds who can happily co-exist with other animals, some who can never be trusted around other animals, and some who will show behaviour in between. Some greyhounds will be quite predatory towards other animals. Dogs’ ancestors had to hunt, chase, and kill…

  • How can I help my adopted greyhound settle into their new home?

    There will be many unfamiliar sights and sounds for your newly adopted greyhound to adapt to in their new home. Therefore, it is essential that you constantly look for signs that they may be uncomfortable, stressed or afraid. By recognising quickly when they are uncomfortable, you can remove them from…

  • Why do greyhounds need help with toilet training?

    Many greyhounds haven’t had the opportunity to learn about toilet training. Therefore, your new greyhound may need some help to learn how to tell you that they need to go outside to toilet. Remember that they will make mistakes as they learn, this is normal, just like it is for…

  • How do I communicate with my dog?

    Body language is one of a dog’s main forms of communication, so it’s really important that we learn how to understand them. Many people know that if a dog’s ears are flat against their head, it means they’re not comfortable or happy. However, there are many different ear positions that,…

  • How do I best care for my newly adopted greyhound?

    There are many things to consider to ensure your greyhound is healthy. This includes diet, vaccinations, parasite control, and keeping your greyhound cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Diet The basis of your greyhound’s diet should be a high quality balanced premium commercial dog food that is…

  • What is the best way to train my adopted greyhound?

    Helping your dog to become a good canine companion is one of the most important responsibilities for every dog owner. This leads to happy and safe interactions at home, with friends, with strangers and with other dogs. The first concept to understand is that training should only be done using…

  • How can I help with my adopted greyhound’s behaviour?

    Adopted greyhounds can do amazingly well considering that many are considerably disadvantaged by their start in life. Their different early life experiences, confinement, and often limited socialisation means they have to learn to interpret the body postures, actions, words and asks of their new family whilst simultaneously trying to get…

  • Can I keep a frog as a companion animal?

    RSPCA believes that wild animals, even if they are captive-bred, should not be kept as pets unless there is clear evidence that they will have a good quality of life, their needs can be met, accurate care information is available, a suitably experienced veterinarian is utilised as needed, and the…