• How can feather pecking be managed in cage-free layer hen systems?

    Severe feather pecking is an injurious behaviour performed by birds, where they will vigorously peck at and pull out the feathers of other birds. Outbreaks of severe feather pecking can occur in all types of poultry production systems and in both large-scale commercial flocks and small backyard flocks ​[1]​. The…

  • Do eggs from free-range systems pose a food safety risk?

    In barn and free-range egg production systems, hens have access to a nest in which to lay their eggs. This is a key behavioural need for layer hens. In egg production systems where hens are housed in battery cages, the hens do not have access to a nest and instead…

  • Does the RSPCA have animal welfare standards for beef cattle?

    The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. We work closely with farmers to make a positive impact on the lives of farm animals by providing an environment that meets their needs. More than 2.5 billion hens, pigs, chickens, turkeys and farmed Atlantic…

  • What is the RSPCA’s view on farming rabbits for meat?

    The way in which rabbits are farmed for meat results in a number of welfare concerns. These concerns arise from the confinement of animals in a way that prevents them from moving freely and does not satisfy their behavioural, social and physiological needs. Rabbits bred for meat are generally housed…

  • Why are many male farm animals castrated?

    Male sheep, cattle, goats and pigs are routinely castrated in order to reduce aggression and subsequent injury. Methods of castration are either by blade or rubber ring. At present, castration is carried out as a routine husbandry procedure on young animals without the use of anaesthetic or pain relief. The…

  • What is the RSPCA’s view on nose rings for bulls?

    The RSPCA believes that nose ringing for the purpose of controlling bulls is only acceptable when performed by a veterinarian. The ring should be smooth and well-fitting and must not inflict pain. The procedure requires appropriate restraint, the use of local anaesthetics, and proper post-operative procedures to aid healing without…

  • Is tethering of farm animals acceptable?

    Tethering is where an animal is fastened by a chain to a central anchor point, causing it to be confined to a specific area. Tethering is sometimes used as a method of confining grazing farm animals (such as horses, donkeys, sheep, goats or cattle) under conditions which may otherwise cause…

  • How should farm animals be managed during drought?

    The frequency of exceptionally hot years, low rainfall and low soil moisture has been increasing in recent decades and this trend is expected to continue across Australia in the years to come. The resulting droughts are not isolated events; they occur over vast areas across the country and have significant…

  • What are the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme standards for turkeys?

    The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. Through the Scheme the RSPCA works closely with farmers committed to raising turkeys to higher animal welfare standards. Since releasing our first animal welfare standards for turkeys in 2010, more than 2.4 million turkeys have…