• Why do dairy cows become lame?

    Foot lameness is a common problem in dairy farming and not unusual in wet conditions. It can be caused by cows having to walk long distances from paddock to the milking shed – particularly if these tracks are not well-maintained – and by standing on concrete floors for long periods….

  • What are the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme standards for pigs?

    Through the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme the RSPCA works closely with farmers committed to raising pigs to higher animal welfare standards. Since releasing our first animal welfare standards for pigs in 2009, more than 1.5 million pigs have benefitted from better conditions on farm. Pigs on RSPCA Approved farms have the space to move, forage,…

  • What are the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme standards for layer hens?

    Through the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme the RSPCA works closely with farmers committed to producing higher welfare cage-free eggs. Since releasing our first animal welfare standards for layer hens in 1996, more than 1.4 million hens have benefitted from better conditions on farm. Hens on RSPCA Approved farms have nests,…

  • What is mastitis in dairy cows?

    Mastitis is an infection that causes inflammation of a cow’s udder. It is caused by bacteria or by injury, and the dairy industry believes it affects around 5-10% of dairy cows in the typical Australian dairy herd during their lactation. Mastitis is one of the most important health and welfare…

  • What is calving induction?

    Calving induction involves administering a drug to dairy cows to stimulate calving before full term. Some dairy farmers do this to coordinate calving for the herd to ‘come into milk’ over a set period of time. The RSPCA is opposed to the use of induced calving as a management practice…

  • How do I find out what plants are poisonous to livestock or horses?

    General information for livestock The University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine Library has a good database of plants toxic to animals (including photos and detailed description of the effects of the plants on animals): https://guides.library.illinois.edu/plantstoxictoanimals Cornell University has a poisonous plants information database, which is arranged by type of animal, which…

  • What are the animal welfare issues associated with turkey production?

    Turkeys, along with chickens and ducks, are one of the more common species of poultry farmed for meat. Domestic turkeys were originally bred from wild turkey stock native to North America. Over the past 50 years, breeding companies have been selecting for production traits such as fast growth, large breast…

  • What laws protect animals in rodeos?

    There is increasing public concern regarding the welfare of horses and cattle used in rodeos due to the potential risks of injury and distress. The laws relating to rodeos vary widely between states and only provide minimal requirements for the protection of animals. Rodeos involve several different events including calf…

  • What is fetal bovine serum collection?

    The commercial collection of fetal bovine serum refers to the collection of blood from fetal calves at abattoirs for the commercial production of blood serum. Because the blood of unborn calves has only been exposed to its mother’s blood coming to it across the placenta, fetal blood is free of…

  • What is the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme?

    The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification scheme focused on animal welfare. The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme’s vision is a future of higher welfare farming and its mission to improve the quality of life of farmed animals. We work closely with farmers to make a positive impact…