• How can I keep my rabbits safe against household hazards?

    Many rabbits are kept indoors, with free range of the house and even parts of the yard, but these unsupervised activities can put your rabbit at risk. Rabbits are great chewers, so the most dangerous household hazards are things that they can chew on and hurt themselves, such as electrical…

  • Do slow growing meat chickens have better welfare than fast growing meat chickens?

    In Australia, the two predominant commercial breeds of meat chicken are conventional fast-growing breeds. These breeds have been selectively bred over time to rapidly gain muscle mass and reach slaughter weight at 4-5 weeks of age to meet production and consumer demands. Genetically selecting for fast growth has led to…

  • How can I socialise my puppy?

    There are many ways that you can make sure that your puppy has lots of different and positive experiences that will help them grow into a happy and confident adult dog. Socialisation There is a ‘critical socialisation period’ for puppies between approximately 2.5 to 14 weeks of age. A puppy’s…

  • What are the animal welfare issues with mating stalls for pigs?

    A mating stall is a crate used to hold a female pig for artificial insemination. In a mating stall, a female breeding pig is able to stand up or lie down but unable to turn around. It is effectively the same as a sow stall, in which a female pig…

  • What can I do if I am having difficulty finding a pet-friendly rental?

    The RSPCA is aware that across the country, many people are finding it very difficult to secure a pet-friendly rental property. This is exacerbated by rising cost of living pressures, but also in some jurisdictions, laws make it very difficult for pet owners to find a place to live with…

  • Should I stable my horse?

    Stabling horses may be convenient in some situations, but it is generally not good for horses. Horses are social, herd animals and they are not evolved to live alone. Isolating and confining horses in stables restricts their movement, social interactions, and ability to graze, which negatively impacts horse welfare. The…

  • Why should I desex my rabbits?

    Desexing has numerous benefits for both male and female pet rabbits including reducing problem behaviours, facilitating easier bonding with new rabbits joining the family, preventing unwanted pregnancies, and minimising health issues in the future such as cancer of reproductive organs. Terminology A female rabbit is called a ‘doe’, a male…

  • How many animals are used in research in Australia?

    Unlike some other countries, Australia does not publish the number of animals used in research, testing and teaching each year and so this makes it very difficult to identify reductions or trends in the number of animals used. It is essential that a national agency oversee the collection, collation and…

  • Is fertility control a humane option for managing peri-urban kangaroos?

    Fertility control is one option for managing kangaroo populations where conflicts may exist with human activity, for example peri-urban areas (areas adjacent to towns and cities). Kangaroos living in proximity to human development are at risk of injury from motor vehicles, negative interactions involving humans and property, and they may…

  • Is translocation a humane option for managing peri-urban kangaroos?

    Peri-urban kangaroos are those who inhabit areas directly surrounding established metropolitan, urban, or regional centres. The welfare issues relating to the management of peri-urban kangaroos are complex and challenging, as they involve balancing prevention of harm to kangaroos whilst solving human-animal conflict situations. Studies have shown that significant animal welfare…