• How should I care for my blue tongue skink?

    The most common reptile species kept as pets are typically medium-sized, non-threatened, captive-bred, and easily obtained. The Eastern Blue Tongue skink (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides) fits this description perfectly, making it a popular pet around the world. General information Common name: Eastern Blue Tongue skink Scientific name: Tiliqua scincoides scincoides Natural…

  • Are reptiles the right pet for me?

    Although keeping reptiles (such as turtles, lizards, and snakes) is common in many parts of the world, relatively little is known about how to properly care for them in captive settings. What’s more, the trade in reptiles in some countries fuels the illegal exotic animal trade, which is harmful to…

  • How can I keep my reptiles safe from household hazards?

    Although it is not always a good idea, some reptile owners allow their reptiles to roam through the house, or at least a few rooms. While this may enrich your reptile’s life, it may also put them at risk of disease, injury, or even death. What hazards are out there?…

  • How often should I worm my reptiles?

    Intestinal parasites can be a serious problem for all reptiles, as they can become infected through contact with other reptiles, their droppings, or contaminated objects and substrate. A single reptile is not immune from infection, as they can re-infect themselves if an enclosure is not kept clean. The internal parasites…

  • Why does my reptile need sunlight?

    It is commonly said that pet reptiles should get a few hours (at least) outside in the sun. Artificial lighting is also used indoors, trying to replicate sunlight. But why do reptile keepers go to such lengths? Sunlight contains so-called white light (light that contains all the wavelengths of visible…

  • Are reptiles cold-blooded?

    In contrast to birds and mammals, reptiles have evolved as ectotherms – animals who regulate their body temperature to suit the temperature around them. They are not poikilothermic (cold-blooded) as most people commonly believe i.e., while their body temperature is dependent upon external heat sources rather than internal heat production,…

  • How should I care for my reptile?

    Are reptiles the right pet for me? Reptiles are fascinating and wonderful animals, but they are not ‘low maintenance’ pets. There is a lot of work involved in keeping them healthy and you should carefully consider whether a reptile is the right pet for you. For information on what to…

  • How do I safely handle my reptile?

    No form of handling of your reptile should ever be taken lightly, as each restraint has some effect on their behaviour, life, or other activities.  Confidence, knowledge – and often assistance – is required when handling them. Not only can reptiles hurt you (by biting and scratching), but you can also…

  • How can I tell if my reptile is sick?

    As many of you with reptilian pets would know, they can be challenging to read sometimes! Signs of illness can be very difficult to spot – because often there aren’t any! Reptiles are very adept at hiding any evidence that they are sick, often until they are severely compromised and…

  • How do I keep my turtle’s tank healthy?

    Water quality Turtles live in an aquatic environment. This simple statement reflects the importance of water quality to the health of turtles. They move through the water, they consume their food in the water, and they eliminate waste into the water. Nearly every disease problem in captive turtles is related,…