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  5. Where can I find information on best practice management of wild dogs?

Where can I find information on best practice management of wild dogs?

RSPCA Australia acknowledges that, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals in order to reduce adverse impacts on human activities, health and wellbeing or the environment and also to protect the welfare of individual animals. When undertaken, the RSPCA believes management activities must use methods that are humane, target-specific and effective.

Codes of practice and standard operating procedures for the humane control of pest animals in Australia have been developed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries with support from the Australian Government and these are available on the PestSmart website. PestSmart is a database of information on vertebrate invasive animals in Australia and New Zealand managed and maintained by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions and the Institute for Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra and supported by the Australian Government through the Bureau of Rural Science.

The codes of practice (COP) provide general information on best practice management for different animal species, control strategies, animal biology and impact and also a summary of the humaneness, efficacy, cost-effectiveness and target specificity of each control method. Standard operating procedures (SOP) describe specific control techniques and their application as well as animal welfare impacts for target and non-target species and strategies to minimise any harmful impacts.

The RSPCA is concerned that some of these methods, such as poisoning with 1080 or leg-hold trapping, involve considerable suffering even when carried out according to best practice. However, while these methods remain in use, it is important that operators are informed about how to apply them in the most humane and effective way.

The ‘humaneness’ of a control method refers to the overall welfare impact that the method has on an individual animal. A relatively more humane method will have less impact than a relatively less humane method. A model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods has been developed under the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) [1]. This model has been used by an independent expert panel to assess the humaneness of a variety of methods used to control invasive animal species in Australia [2] and these assessments are also available on the PestSmart website.

Links to the COP, SOPs and humaneness assessments relating to the management of wild dogs can be found below:

Code of practice

Model code of practice for the humane control of wild dogs

Standard operating procedures

DOG001: Trapping of wild dogs using padded-jaw traps

DOG002: Trapping of wild dogs using cage traps

DOG003: Ground shooting of wild dogs

DOG004: Ground baiting of wild dogs with 1080

DOG005: Aerial baiting of wild dogs with 1080

DOG006: Baiting of wild dogs with para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP)

GEN003: Trapping using soft net traps

Humaneness assessments

Wild dog control methods humaneness matrix

[1] Sharp T. & Saunders G. (2008). A model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods. Canberra ACT: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

[2] Sharp T. & Saunders G. (2011). A model for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods (Second edition). Canberra ACT: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

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Updated on September 14, 2020
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